Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Mystery

Boy, do I have a good couple of mysteries for you today! 

First, if you are easily "creeped out" you might want to stop right now. I'm so creeped out---I can hardly write about this. I certainly cannot "unsee" it!
I can't even bear to make this picture bigger. You can enlarge it on your end if you want. I just can't do it!

I'm freaking out. This is so gross. Luckily, I don't have to look at it while I write this--it's beyond my eyesight now. Here's the story:

Last Sunday, we were getting in the car for church at 7 a.m. I mention the time just so you will know my mindset--it was a little early, but when I wake up--no matter what time it is, I am "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" right off the bat.

When I stepped into the car, I saw that, that, that "thing"! My first thought was that it was a curled leaf. I went to pick it up and saw it was an ANIMAL!!! I screamed and hopped out of the car faster than any time in the past 20 years! I screamed, "It's an animal!" Butch thought I was crazy until he looked. He got out of the car to get something to pick it up with. That's when I got my wits about me and took this picture---as much as it creeped me out to do it. 

Anyway, Butch took care of it. I got back in the car. Now I was not going to put my purse on the floor and possibly touch the area where that thing was. We started trying to figure out where it came from. He thinks it's a mouse--I, on the other hand, think it's a rat! It was about an inch long. Any mice at our house are those tiny field mice. This looked too big to me to be one of those. 

He couldn't figure out where it possibly came from. It couldn't have crawled there on its own. There were no other indications of any other thing in his car--and believe me, he checked--under the seats, everywhere. He's fanatical about his car. That means someone had to carry it in on their shoe or something. I haven't been in his car--no one has been in his car recently.

About halfway to church, I helped myself to one of these:
Butch asked where those came from. I said they were just in the door handle thingy. They weren't his. I have bought them before, but I do not have room in my purse for something big like this. So now, we have another mystery on our hands. Mindy was the only person he could think of who has been in his car--but that was for the football game a while ago. She said they weren't hers.

It's truly a mystery. Two for the price of one on this Monday!! 

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