Yep, you are going to find this hard to believe, but I'm going to do a dog post today.
First off, let me set the record straight. I don't hate dogs. Everyone thinks I do. I don't. I'm just not fond of them. There's a difference.
I hate liver. That's it. Period. The end. I'm never going to eat liver if I can help it. On the other hand, I don't hate dogs. There are things I don't like about them, but I can tolerate them. I can pet them if I have to--as long as there's a bathroom nearby where I can wash my hands. I don't like them licking me--come on now, we all know where their tongues have been. I don't like the smell. I don't like the jumping. I don't like the slobber and I don't like their noses touching my pants--or any other part of me for that matter. It's kind of a visceral reaction. If a dog slobbers on me or touches me, I "wear" that feeling until I can get home and put those clothes in the laundry. I know, it's weird, crazy, and obsessive. That's just how I am. I have no control over it. I only want to admire them from a distance.
Now to be fair, I do not like to get up close and personal with any animals--really for all the same reasons. I'm good at admiring them at a distance. I do not want to hold or pet any of them.
Okay, now what I do like about dogs. I like their loyalty to their owners. I think they are cute--of course--if they are leaving me alone. I even think they're cute when they are so ugly that only their owners can love them.
I hope that sets the record straight once and for all.
Now on to the reason for this post. It all started with this picture:
Sandy sent us this picture from Amazon--you know how the driver takes a picture of where he put the package? Well, look a little closer and you'll see Titan in the door. Sandy said that he's in every Amazon picture! How cute is that!
Here's a better picture of him.
He is a Maltese and is a well-behaved dog, doesn't slobber, doesn't bark (much), and leaves me alone. I usually pet him a little bit and then wash my hands.
Right after Sandy sent the picture of Titan with the Amazon package, I saw Morgan's post on Facebook of her "boys." I shared a picture of their new puppy a couple weeks ago. Here's the whole gang:
The fact that they are on the bed grosses me out a little bit. From left: the newest member of the family--isn't he so cute? I have to admit, I've already forgotten his name. Hold on, I'll look back on my blog and find it. Okay, got it. He's Marshall--an English shepherd from Arkansas with a southern accent. In the middle is Joey. I think he's some sort of "doodle." Little Finn is a Westie--on the end.
Morgan loves her "boys' and I don't blame her. They are cute. But, she's kinda' mean with her talk about Finn. She says he's "dumber than a rock." Well, I beg to differ with her. When we were at their house for Thanksgiving, Nicky kept throwing Finn's tennis ball and he kept returning it to be thrown over and over again. Dozens and dozens of times--no exaggeration. It wasn't a problem, but there was no way I was touching that slobbery ball. All of a sudden, for no reason, Morgan took the ball and pitched it down the basement then closed the door. I thought that was a little extreme. But hey, it's their dog--all of whom are well-trained and very good. Anyway, Finn didn't say a thing. I don't recall if he just laid down. But hours later, someone opened that basement door and Finn was down there in a flash--returning with his ball to start all over again. Now that seems pretty smart if you ask me. He remembered his ball was down there. I don't even have that attention span. Well, unless it's a cookie. I'd remember if Morgan threw my cookie down there!
So, after this picture, I got the idea to let all of my family and close friends share their best dog pictures. Here ya' go. My homage to those overlooked (by me) members of the family!
Meet Lainey--Mitchell and Emily's dog. I think she's still a puppy. It's been a while since I've seen her. I think she was named after Lainey Wilson. I'm not sure if that's because of her "singing" or the fact that Emily works for a company that represents Lainey Wilson. I don't know what kind of dog Lainey is--I may have been told, but I don't remember. I think she can be a little wild, but then again, she's a puppy. From what I hear, she gets along with her cousin, Titan (don't you hate it when people act like dogs are actually people? Well, "if you can't beat 'em...." and all that jazz).
Next up is Koda.
Koda is Jordan's "teacup" pomeranian. I've never met him. I think he's small because her apartment was small. From what I hear, he's a pretty good dog. I do know that he hikes pretty well. Seems like that would be hard for a little guy. Oh wait, maybe she did say that they end up carrying him some of the way.
This guy belongs to my cousin, Chrissy.
I just found out he's a "boy." I always thought it was a girl. Okay, give me a break, I didn't really look. I do know how to tell the difference. His name is "Bear"---isn't that a unisex kind of name? All I know about him is that the last time I saw him, he had a very bad habit of eating something I cannot even mention--his breath--ugh! Except for that, he seems to be a pretty good dog. They had a dog fence for a while--long enough for him to learn his boundaries. Now he stays put without the fence. I'm not sure what that says about his intelligence. Actually, what he eats probably says more about that! He's an Australian shepherd. He's pretty good-lookin'.
Now for this cute little guy. His name is "Dash" and that describes him to a "T"--or...
...used to. He used to dart all around, jumping, and barking--just generally wild. They even took him for training--twice! He's Connie's "baby"--and I really mean that! Dash is about at the top of her list--even above her "people!" When I'm coming over, she threatens him, "You better behave--Mrs. Eads is coming!" I'm not sure how I feel about that. Using the "Mrs." really makes me sound mean and strict!
The last time I was there, Dash was perfectly behaved. She had put him in the laundry room while our friends and I were there for a club meeting and lunch. I couldn't believe it. Nary a bark or whine. Afterward, I texted Connie to compliment her on his behavior. Maybe he's calmed down because he's not a puppy anymore. Or, maybe he's taken on the affect of his "old" owners. Yeah, that must be it.
Lastly is this handsome fellow, Flannery.
As you can tell, he's a pretty good sport to put up with this little girl--La Rue. I'm, sure he's endured some bumps and bruises with her. A couple days ago, Leigh (Flannery owner and daughter of my friend, Nancy, and also Mindy's friend (well, mine too I guess)--that's a lot to figure out--go ahead, I'll wait).
Anyway, a couple days ago, the 4 of us (Nancy, me, Leigh, and Mindy) were making our 7-mile walk to West Nashville for lunch (more on that story on Travel Tuesday). As we were walking, Leigh was telling us the story of how early on, Flannery used to sleep in their bedroom. She didn't say anything about sleeping IN the bed---thank goodness. I might have had to drop her from my friend list for that. So, as she talking about telling her husband that she didn't want Flannery in their bedroom, I interrupted with, "So, you just couldn't take the smell?" That's where my mind goes. She seemed a little surprised by that and said, "Well, no, he (or now that I think about it is he a she?) gets up in the middle of the night and walks around."
OMGosh! I totally get that. It's annoying! Sometimes Butch does that. Not at night, but during the day. I'll sort of yell at him and say, "Why are you walking around? Just sit down!" He CANNOT sit still. Hmmm. I never realized that maybe he's more like a dog than I knew: loyal, handsome, sometimes smells (after he's been golfing or hiking), loves me, and barks now and then.
Maybe the bottom line is I love dogs after all. One thing I know for sure: I cannot teach my old one new tricks!!
PS I do not have to wash my hands after petting him either!