Wednesday, January 31, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

I haven't bought much this past week. At least not much of anything exciting.  

Michaels sent me a $5.00 coupon. Basically cash. I spent about a half hour shopping around, but couldn't find a single thing I wanted or needed to spend 5 bucks on. Then I noticed a bin full of 10 plain white boxes. 
They were left over from Christmas. The sign showed it was 70% off. Now who doesn't need plain boxes?
They were marked down to $1.80. I bought 3 sets. I think it's a pretty good deal for 5 bucks. 

Then I went to Nashville Needleworks because I needed a few fibers. I've always talked about needlepoint being a pretty expensive hobby. Here's proof:
See those two cards on the right? Well, I had already used one and then ran out. I calculated that I would need two more to complete the stems and veins on the project. 

It's roughly $8.00 per card. It is hand-dyed silk, so that's why it's so expensive.
It's used for the veining of the leaves and stems. It's really pretty, but it's crazy that just this part of the project has cost $24.00 alone! The canvas is hand-painted  and then you have the finish work. Even though it seems like a crazy amount, if you break it down to the enjoyment you get per hour while stitching, it's pretty reasonable. Now I have never kept track of the hours invested, but it's a lot. It probably comes out to about a buck ninety eight per hour. And that's a bargain!!

And now for something I didn't buy:
I invited Mitchell and Emily over for dinner. Mitchell showed up with these pretty tulips in hand. Of course, I knew that Emily was the one who prompted him to buy them. I told them both that I love flowers, but do not expect them to show up with a bouquet every month when they come by for dinner. I just want some one on one time to "catch up" with them. 

Did you buy anything exciting this week?

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