Wednesday, January 3, 2024

What I Didn't Buy Wednesday

While I'm talking organizing, I thought I'd share a few new containers that I didn't have to buy! I'm a sucker for organizing containers of any type. I had this on my Christmas list. 
Since my memory is so bad, I didn't remember it. It was a nice surprise. It's a set of 4 plastic boxes with compartments. They lock together. I don't know what I'll put in it yet, but there's going to be more re-organizing going on in my scrapbook room this weekend.

And then, there's nothing I better than FREE organizing containers.
I haven't decided what I'm going to use the Crisco plastic box for, but I'm happy to have it. The one on the bottom is a little clear container that basil came in at the grocery store. I've put Christmas stamps in this one. I'll be saving all of my fresh herb containers from now on,

My room is looking pretty spiffy--although there's still much to do. Maybe not that much--probably a couple hours. 

I guess that's about it for organizing. Yes, I do have more to do, but all of the major stuff is done. I probably need to get in to the rec room cabinets, clean books out of the library, clean out the cabinets in the laundry room and then I just might be finished. Oh wait, I forgot about the butler's pantry and the dining room. Yeah, I'll get right on that!

1 comment:

  1. After seeing your beautifully organised home I am feeling very ashamed ...


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