Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday Mystery

Why is it that "old" people always have stains on their clothes? I noticed at bridge last Thursday that many people were wearing their food on their shirts. I have a theory about that.
1. They wear the same clothes for several days. (No judgement here---I do that too! In fact I have a friend who wears the same clothes all weekend!).
2. They are clumsier with their food.
3. Their eyesight is so poor that they don't realize they have stains on themselves.
4. They just don't care.

Now I had planned to blog about this mystery when I noticed so many "elders" at bridge. And then, it happened to me. Now don't get me wrong. I certainly have my fair share of spills and dribbles. But, I don't continue to wear the clothes without washing them!

Yesterday, we celebrated Justin's birthday with a game of Laser Tag. OMGosh y'all! It was so much fun! It was my first time. Mindy had rented it out for a private game. But more on that later.

On the way home, we stopped at the club for a late lunch. They have the best salads. They are so big, that I decided that I was going to take half home. I asked for a container right away. As I was transferring the salad, I slipped with my makeshift, two fork, salad tongs and flipped a big chunk of salad all over me and all over the floor. You might think, "well, no big deal." Except that it was. My salad had beets in it! Do you know how staining those can be? See for yourself:

It might not look so bad, but unless I fell in to category number 4 above, it wouldn't matter. It does to me. I was not happy.

As soon as we got home, I hit it hard with the Tide pen and Spray and Wash. I was pretty disheartened when nothing happened. Usually, you can tell right away if a stain will come out. I ran it on the "long" heavy dirt cycle. OMGosh! They came out like new? You cannot tell one bit that there was a stain there.

If you see me in this outfit and notice a stain, then clearly, I fall in to category #3!!

Mystery solved!

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