Saturday, December 5, 2020

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!

There've been a lot of trees and Christmas decorating going on!

Sandy's house:

They got a 10ft. tree this year. It must be about 8ft. wide! Sandy said she took all day decorating it--carefully placing each ornament. Plus she had to keep moving the ladder!

And look who's peeking out from under the tree!!

She even decorated the porch.

If you recall, the idea for our wreaths came from her. She used one as a centerpiece and put some candles in the middle. It Looks so good!
And then here's the same garland in the red and green that I got in silver and gold. I didn't do the mantels or living room this year--not much in the dining room either. Both of those rooms are used as storage for all the stuff going to the beach after the remodel.

I went by Steph's to drop something off. I snapped this. 

Here's Steph and Nicky's tree. If you look real close, you can see Rio under there!

This is our artificial tree that usually goes in the living room.
I'm enjoying it just fine in the family room. Give me a fire and I'm happy as can be!

The rest of these pictures are from my nephew, Johnny and family.
I don't think there's anything cuter than a baby at Christmas! 
Little Rosey and her big brother in matching pajamas! Looks like a Christmas card to me!
Johnny went all out decorating their new house this year. I'll have to get a picture of it lit up at night!!

Then this tree....
I don't know who it belongs to---I saw it on the internet. When I'm old and gray (okay, probably never gray), I'm going to insist that the girls do our tree and use every ornament in the 5,000 tubs we have!  Actually, I'm not kidding! I love this. I just don't want to do all the work!! I did put together a box full this year to get rid of. I'm waiting to see if any of the "kids" want to go through it before I give it away.

On second thought, I might just do something like this next year.
Actually with all the fishing rods in our garage, we could make quite a few of these!

How are your decorations coming along? Share your photos and I'll post them!


  1. It certainly is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

    We put up five trees ... and I went through EVERY box and bin of Christmas stuff this year. We're using all our ornaments and most of everything else. It's a lot, but I figure this is the year we had time to go through every box and I can re-label and reconfigure the packing away in early January. We don't use everything every year, so it was time for it to all be reorganized. Plus we did a little decluttering and drop off some items at our local donation center this weekend.

  2. How delightful this post was - Sandy's fat jolly tree is my fave.


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