Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What I Buy Wednesdays

My purchases were actually the week before last for Father's Day. We celebrated a week late since we were at the beach.
I like gadgets and this seemed like a good one. I even bought one for myself. Okay, the flashing lights are a little much. At least the family got a good laugh.
If this works, it could be a game changer. We've tried everything to keep the mosquitoes at bay--citronella candles, those oil torches, dryer sheets, those wrist bands and even some sort of "Off" fan thing. I'm not sure when we'll be able to try it out because the mosquitoes haven't really started up yet. They usually do by May. It's a weird year for everything.
I didn't exactly buy this paper trimmer right now. I actually got a spare (you know my multiples problem) when Creative Memories was going out of business, years ago. I just finally retired the old one. Way back in 1999 when I first started scrapbooking, I had the original one. When this style came out, I replaced it. Still, I have gotten nearly 20 years out of the one on the left. Hmmm, 20 years. I don't think I'll need another one!

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