Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday Mystery

I told you about my Sago palm in this post. Just a few weeks ago, it looked like this:
 I was afraid it was dying and found so many reasons for what could have caused it. I already had two die.
They looked like this. Dead, deader than a doornail. (As soon as I typed that, I was curious about where that saying came from: The term dead as a doornail was used in the 1500s by William Shakespeare, and in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol in 1843. It is thought that the phrase dead as a doornail comes from the manner of securing doornails that were hammered into a door by clenching them.) You're welcome.

Well, the palm that I thought was dying, all of a sudden looks like this:
The yellow is gone! And then I noticed this:
The totally dead one has come back to life! I didn't do a single thing to either one. I was just sitting back and waiting for the other ones to die. 

It's a total mystery as to how one came back to life and the living one took a turn from death back towards life. Can that happen? Apparently it can!

Unfortunately, the other one that appeared to have died is still dead!

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