Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What I Buy Wednesday

This post is going to be about going to the grocery store. 

First, I want to mention that during the early part of quarantine, Nicky was talking about how difficult it was to go to the grocery store without licking his fingers. Specifically to get those produce plastic bags open. The family thought he was nuts and really gave him a hard time. I came to his defense, because I know exactly what he's talking about. I, too, lick my fingers (or, I used to) to get those bags open.
 I rubbed, I tugged, I prodded. These darn bags are hard to open! And then I did it. I licked my fingers. There's just no other way.

On to what I did buy:
I wanted to get some pool drinks for the weekend. I stood in front of all the choices and just shook my head. I'm not a big drinker and don't know anything about these choices. I did the only thing I could think of. I called Butch. His exact words, "I don't know Barb! Just get some Mikes, you know you like that!"
So that's exactly what I did. Diet Pepsi and Mikes---I think I've got it covered!!

Now this is about what I bought last year---my sago palms. I've wanted sago palms for the front porch for as long as I can remember---ever since seeing them in New Orleans where they are gorgeous and everywhere! I finally got four of them last spring. We lost two of them by the end of the summer. Now the other two seem to be going. I'm trying to find out what is causing it. 
I checked the internet and found nothing. Or, I should say I found too much to narrow down!

If the older sago leaves are turning yellow, the plant is likely suffering from a nitrogen deficiency. With a potassium deficiency, the older fronds also turn yellow, including the midrib. If the leaf develops yellow bands but the central leaf remains green, your plant may have a magnesium deficiency. 

Oh my gosh! Nitrogen, potassium or magnesium--which to try? And, where the heck do I buy those? Not gonna happen.

Watering a sago palm too much or too little may also result in yellow sago palm fronds. Keep track of how much and how frequently you are watering so that you can figure out which irrigation problem is more likely. Never allow irrigation water to get on the plant’s foliage.

You've got to be kidding me. You either have to try overwatering and then not watering. How the heck are you supposed to figure that out? I know I'm not watering too much, but maybe they get the rain and some (only a little) spray from the sprinkler system. Of course, that water always gets on the foliage.

I seriously doubt the plants in New Orleans are being "babied"! Basically every possible problem a plant can have is listed. That doesn't help one bit. The bottom line here is that I am losing them. There's no way I can figure out what's wrong fast enough to save them. It was a good dream while it lasted. 

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