Thursday, December 1, 2022

Christmas in the House

It's December 1st. You know what that means? Time for Christmas!!

Since I had book club on Monday night, that gave me the incentive to get all of my decorating done.
Yes, I have just about finished wrapping too. Christmas trees without presents under them are just sad--don't ya' think? Butch does the arranging. I love how he stacks them up.
Until Covid in 2020, we always had a live tree here in the family room (or as the Brits say--"lounge"). This artificial tree was in the living room. But ever since we put it here, I've loved it. This tree requires a lot of red ornaments--nothing else really shows up well. I love the flocking. It's a messy tree--instead of loose pine needles, you have the "snow" which sticks to everything. It's worth it. I do miss the aroma of a live tree, but not enough to hassle with putting it up!

The living room does seem a little bare without a tree. At least the mantle and coffee table are decked.

Sandy told us about this garland---I think it was during Covid too. It came from Sam's and is fully decorated.

In case you've forgotten--although I'm pretty sure I mention it every year--I love to layer tablecloths--especially vintage ones.
This was my table setting for bookclub. Sandy found these paper plates at Walmart last year. They were part of the Pioneer Woman collection. I love the colors and shape of the plates. 

I'm happy to have it all finished. I pretty much hate doing it. But I definitely love it when it's done!

So how is your decorating coming along? 


  1. It looks like something out of a Christmas film - beautiful!

  2. I always enjoy seeing your decorating - you have a knack. And I will try not to hold it against you that your presents are all wrapped too. I am hoping to work on mine today.


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