Sunday, December 11, 2022

Something for Sunday

1. Morgan's tree and house.

There's a lot here that looks familiar--the tablecloth came from an antique shop in Salem, Mo. The giant mercury ornaments and package stack cookie jar are hand-me-downs. First me, and then her mom. I love when things like this stay in the family. See that tiny little sherbet cup with the green balls? Those cups were from my great-grandmother. I inherited the set and gave each daughter and granddaughter one with the little green ornaments. Could also be a candy dish. This makes it Morgan's great, great, great grandmother. Isn't that just great!! 6 generations! 
I brought all the grands one of those tiny glass Christmas trees from Italy years ago--from a toy store in Sienna. I cannot see everything on her table, but the framed Christmas tree is the button  craft project we did years ago too.

2. Stephanie's outside decorations look so beautiful. I wish I'd taken a longer view as you cannot see the lights on the house and in the yard.

The ornaments and lights in her planters are stunning. 
Fun pillows dress up the porch.

3. Elizabeth and Victoria opening their Advent Calendars.

They are Bath and Bodyworks products. 

4. Never get tired of looking at beach sunset pictures.
Nicky sent me this one from when they were down there right before Thanksgiving. 

5. I'm still working on this gingerbread house needlepoint. I've been working on it off and on for the past 3 years. I'm anxious to get it finished. It might look like it's nearly complete, but there's still lots to do.

I was excited to stitch the candy kiss and add the real paper from an actual kiss. I plan to go to the fabric store this week to find something pretty to make it into a pillow when I finish. the best time to buy Christmas prints is during the holiday season. I have an idea of what I want. Now I just home I can find it.

What's on your plate this week?

1 comment:

  1. Love those mega ornaments, and kudos to you for having the patience to do needlepoint. Your results are always stunning.


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