Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Travel Tuesday

Our trip to Quebec City, Canada was fabulous! It was so freezing cold! The first day was the warmest at 28. It went down each day after that--all the way to 16 where the high was about 20. And the wind---oh, my, gosh!! It was bitter. But that didn't deter us. Basically, there are so many cute and fun shops, we'd slip in to one to warm up.

As for the Christmas markets, they are all over the city---5,000 booths---all outside! Did I mention it was cold?

And now for some pictures in no particular order.
We were on a walking tour--in that cold! This city is so interesting--the oldest city in Canada. It had a very European feel to it. There were several murals telling the story of the city.
At the top of the city is the Le Chateau Frontenac. It's so beautiful--we had a tour there. We wanted to have tea, but it was already booked months in advance. Butch tried 3 months ahead, but it was too late. Same with the fancy restaurant. 
We walked down the steps and rode the Funicular up to Le Chateau. Great view of the St. Lawrence River.
The entire city is decorated so cute. I loved this store. All Christmas---I guess all the time.
On our tour of one of the Christmas markets. I didn't really know what to expect. The booths offer a variety of wares--lots of jewelry, foods, scarves and hats. 
Le Chateau Frontenac at night was beautiful. Butch was able to get us in a smaller restaurant. The food was delicious and it had my idea of a nice restaurant---white tablecloths. I love a nice tablecloth!
Christmas everywhere. 
I do not recall the name of the falls. It's second only to Niagara Falls.
We saw several churches. This one had the most beautiful and extensive nativity scene. We went to Mass on Saturday morning at Notre Dame--I think there's a Notre Dame in every city around the world! Of course the Mass was in French. There were six priests on the altar for 10 people in church counting us. We were told that Catholics in Quebec City only go to Mass a couple times a year.
A long line of beautiful Christmas trees---each one different at the Le Chateau. 

I always want to do something festive during the holiday season. This was the exact perfect getaway. We left on Wednesday and came home on Sunday. We ate lots of French onion soup and poutine--my first--French fries, cheese curds and gravy. I really liked it. I had it twice. Our tour guide treated us to some Maple Cream---like Baileys, but with a maple flavor. I bought a bottle to bring home and have with hot chocolate. Butch and I shared a cup at one of the markets. It was soooo good.

Last year Butch suggested we go to the German Markets in Germany. I didn't want to be gone that long, plus I thought I would get tired of market after market. But now that I know what they are like, I think I would like to go to Germany. We'll see...

Now it's back to the crazy, hectic holidays. Today, I play bridge. Then Butch and I will start the Christmas baking. I do love the holidays!!


  1. Oh that is cold! If you are thinking of a German Christmas Market next year, we found that Cologne was very good. They have a few markets there and each one has a different theme. The one by the Cathedral is beautiful in the evening when the Cathedral is lit up.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful trip, it looks charming there and that nativity scene is fantastic.


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