Thursday, November 15, 2018

This and That Thursday

Butch, Stephanie and I went to the Nashville Zoo--invited by my travel agent/friend---to hear a presentation on safaris. It's on the list of places we want to go. Anyway, they had a drawing and I WON! I guess Mindy's not the only lucky one in the family! I don't know if this wine is from Africa, but the guy giving the presentation mentioned it a couple times. Butch said it was rigged. He said my name was right on top. Still, I prefer to think I'm lucky---lucky enough to have a friend like Mary!! Plus, I've certainly given her enough business and sent many people her way.
Nashville is booming! In just seven years, the skyscrapers in our skyline have more than doubled! We locals don't go downtown often, but when we do, it's pretty exciting.
Finally, Medicare has "dummied up!" They used to have our social security numbers on our cards. No wonder there is so much Medicare fraud! You're supposed to keep your ss# a closely guarded secret. Instead, it was right there for all the world to see---or steal!
 Rio---Steph and Nicky's cat is so weird. They said she uses this catnip toy as a pillow ALL THE TIME!
That time of year for my morning view! Soon to be replaced with my Christmas morning view!

1 comment:

  1. That fireplace view is lovely - it would definitely distract me from my book!


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