Wednesday, January 8, 2025

What I Buy Wednesday!

Actually, it's not what I bought this time, but rather Butch!

Last week--New Year's Eve to be exact--I went to a movie with my friends. When I got home, Butch wasn't. I thought he was on the golf course. I texted him to remind him that Connie and Jack were coming over at 4 p.m. for "happy hour." We didn't really want to do anything "big" for NYE--just a low-key evening at home. 

Anyway, he texted me back and said that 4:30 would probably be better. I let Connie know and started getting ready. Butch walked in at 4:15--in the nick of time! I asked how the golf had gone and he said that he wasn't playing golf. Instead, he bought himself a car!! He handed me a thick envelope with all the papers!! I didn't even know that he was looking!

It all started about a month or 6 weeks ago. He started to have some problems with his Buick LaCrosse. He started looking then, but nothing came of it, so I forgot about it. 

As it turns out, buying a car on the last day of the month AND the last day of the year--is an excellent strategy! Plus, he's a master negotiator. He's had a lot of practice. That's about what he did his entire career in the parking business!

He was excited to show me, so we went outside for a quick look-see! It's perfect for him. 
His favorite color is blue!
And with this purchase of a 2025 Buick Enclave, he has guaranteed himself that I will never ask to drive it! It's just way too huge for me!

You might recall that I drove an Enclave for five years until 2016 before I went back to a Jeep. That car scared me. It was too big for me and had so many blind spots that I swore the auto industry doesn't use short people to test drive vehicles.

We still have that Enclave. I will say that it is the most comfortable ride we've probably ever had. His new car is so, so nice. I just might take it out for a whirl! I just won't park it, or take it on the highway, or take it out in bad weather, or if it's too cold. Heck, forget it. I'm taking it out at all! I'll just be happy riding in it! 

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