Saturday, January 11, 2025

It's My Birthday!!!

Okay, so you have to indulge me. I don't think I've ever posted pictures of myself through the years. But it's my birthday, so here goes. 

The pictures are in chronological order but there are big gaps. 
This was before I grew my body. 

I loved dresses as far back as I can remember. 

Kindergarten--I loved this shiny dress, but I do remember that little rose bugged me. Still, I suffered with it because I thought it was so cute and made the dress. Now I can see you barely can tell it's a rose!
I loved my First Communion dress. Mom let me wear it all day--with the veil--and I did!

Me, rocking my very first tube top. If you look real close, you can see I never had the boobs to hold it up!

I wonder what I really looked like in the 5th grade? The only thing that's right about this picture is the dress and headband. I loved those headbands to keep my hair out of my face. The rest---cheesy smile and that rolled hair are fake!
I had to include this picture even though my brother is in it. I'm in 7th grade here. Those dickeys were all the rage. I don't think they were meant to be worn under an itchy, translucent mohair sweater!

Freshman year--about the time I started cutting my own bangs.

My softball days! I played 3rd base from 2nd grade through my junior year of highschool!
My senior picture. I remember my brother, who was a year younger came home the next year after going to the studio for his senior picture and complained to mom that he couldn't get away from me. Apparently, the photographer had my picture hanging up. Hmmm. Shouldn't I have gotten paid for that?

My wedding picture at 19 years old--I cropped Butch out. Okay, here he is!

My gosh--we were just babes! And now, 53 years later, we're still going! They say that the longer you are married the more you start to look like each other. I don't know about that, but I do have the 'stache going on!

Okay, now from our wedding picture from 1971, I don't have a single other picture of me in the 70's nor the early 80's. We skip to the late '80's when I wore my art--hand painted shirt and matching earrings!! That was in the height of the craft fairs. 
This is sometime in the mid-90's. I went on a cruise with my mom. This was one of the mandatory photos. Actually, I'm happy to have it. This is one of the few pics from the 90's up through most of the 2000's. 

From here on out, these are all from about the last 10 years.
Love my Princess Diana scarf. Sandy gave it to me one year for Christmas after I saw it in the British Shoppe at Epcot. I thought it was too expensive!

Now that I'm OLD(er), I'm taking more pictures.

Okay, so that's ME from birth to 73! Yikes--that number!

Where did the time go?


  1. You have your lovely, happy smile right from a young age! Happy birthday!

  2. I loved seeing these photos of you throughout the years. 😊 You've always been beautiful. Happy birthday, Grammy!


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