Here's the indisputable evidence.
#1. I have to admit defeat before the month is even out. We cannot live on $50.00 a week for groceries. At this time--only the 19th of the month--I've already spent $261.55. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've spent more than I normally would because I was watching those darn BOGO's and buying the deals. I was a fool to think we could live on the amount I spent on groceries in 1976 with two kids.
It reminds me of when my friends talk about how expensive restaurants are and I tell them---they are old and just not willing to accept reality! I long ago accepted that restaurant prices are crazy--especially if you add on $18.00 cocktails--which is the going price, it all adds up. But here I am, in the same boat when it comes to groceries. I haven't paid attention to what groceries cost in years. I buy what I want when I want. I had no idea that eggs were $4.00 a dozen or ground beef is around $7.00 a pound. Holy Smokes! I had no idea. (So there, Analise, you can stop worrying about whether we can afford groceries! I'll be buying the name brands again!)
#2. I have to be careful with my footwear. I have to pay attention to the "slipability" factor" I cannot take any chances. I realized it when I was in St. Louis after Thanksgiving. It was snowing and I wanted to go out with my sister-in-law, Sharon. We left the house after carefully navigating their icy, downhill drive. I am not at all afraid to drive in the snow. Heck, I grew up doing that. We weren't out too long before I realized that I would have to worry at any place we stopped about making my way to the stores. I got to thinking that I did not want to risk a fall. I've always said that even though I don't feel old, I have to recognize the number. A fall could be serious, so we turned around and went back home.
#3. I find myself trying to prove that I'm still young:
That's not really true. I just act the way I act and think I still act sort of young. This particular stunt, egged on by my sister, Jeanne, I did solely for my grands. I'm always about the memories. All. The. Time. If I wasn't old, I probably wouldn't think like that.
#4. I have to remind myself to move slower as I can tell I'm not as steady as I used to be. I lose my balance pretty easily. When I stand up, I have to wait a few seconds and let everything fall in to place before I take off. That's old-age for sure.
#5. Okay, this is the real reason that pushed me over the edge of "old-age-ed-ness." It's what got me thinking about all of this. It's how I now have proof positive that I am old!! Here's the story:
So, two years ago, I took an online photo class--all about organizing photos and editing photos. It was such a good class. I loved it and learned a lot. Now this year, the same teacher, Stacy Julian is teaching "Rock Your Scroll II"--a follow-up to the first class.
Prior to the class, she sent out a survey. On the first day of class, she showed pie charts with the results. One of the questions was: Where do you plan to primarily work with your photos? A. Phone; B. iPad; C. Computer.
Well, you know my answer---my computer, of course.
OMGosh---89% of the respondents said A. Phone. Next was iPad with under 10% and LAST was C. Computer with only 1.8%. Do you know what that means? If we assume only 100 people signed up for the class, it means that I am the ONLY person out of 100 planning to use my computer (because you can't have 8/10ths of a person)!!
Talk about old! I know that young people ALL use only their phone. In fact, most young people don't even have a computer--outside of work that is. I don't think any of my girls or grands use computers anymore. They all use their phones.
I JUST CAN'T DO IT! I use my phone as an actual phone to talk to people. Yes, I will text, but I don't like it--I'm too slow. Oh, and my phone is now my camera.
Another thing I thought was interesting. Stacy said to stop trying to get your old, print photos organized if they aren't already. Our kids don't want them!!! Hmmm! Where have I heard that before? I knew they didn't want our stuff, but I never thought about the pictures. I guess that stands to reason since I'm sure they don't want my gallery wall either:
I know every person in all of those pictures. They don't and they don't care. Times they are a'changin'! Actually they already have!
I'm not sure how this class is going to work out this time. I'm already feeling, well, a little behind. I can learn and I'll catch up, but I'm unsure of my first assignment--"delete EVERYTHING from my home page on my phone!" Yikes! That scares the heck out of me!! Honestly, I'm not sure I'm going to do it.
Yep, I'm definitely old with a capital O-L-D!
I'm so relieved you can't stick to your budget - I was beginning to think that groceries here must be really expensive! Our supermarkets don't do too many BOGOF offers any more, it was suggested it made people buy things they didn't really need and was adding to food waste! It would be interesting to compare food bills on the essential things we all buy every week!