Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Mystery about.... long Butch can procrastinate!***

Several months ago, I put a large printer in the hallway upstairs to be taken away.
It sat there with the instruction booklet and cartridges for months. I reminded Butch several times. The funny part is that he hauled down all the Christmas stuff that was around it, but left the printer. I finally gave up and decided not to say another word. I wanted to see how long it would take. All through the holidays, as the "kids" were here, it sat in the hallway.  I think someone even tripped over it. Margarita has had to clean around it. Still, it remained.
When one of the light strands on the outdoor garland went out, I had a spare box. I purposely put it on top of the printer as a "hint" to get rid of it. That didn't happen. He fixed the lights, but the printer still sat. And then there were two. As it turned out, I had another old printer that finally bit the dust. Soooo, I added that one to the hallway. Still, they sat.

All of a sudden, right after Christmas, I noticed the printers were gone. I was so excited---until I found that they had just been moved to the rec room---on the game table. They sat there for a couple weeks until my birthday.

We decided to play games in the rec room so the guys could have football on in the background. I heard Stephanie's exclamation when she saw the printers on the game table---and I was all the way downstairs! She couldn't believe that they had just been relocated instead of taken out to the garage. She decided to fix that for me!
She laughingly did this. She called me to see. She said, "Now he'll have to take them out!" I'd say this was the best birthday present I got!

You might be wondering why I just didn't carry them down myself. Well, that's what I would usually do when things are not done in my preferred timely manner. He can outlast me every time! But since I'm such a faller, I'm not taking any chances with heavy, cumbersome things!

God bless my procrastinating guy! He does provide us with lots of entertainment.

One more mystery solved!

***Update. I wrote this post yesterday. When I went to get something out of the freezer, there was this:
OMGosh!!! The printers have just been moved to the mud room! What's it going to take?? I guess it's still a mystery after all.

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny! I wonder where else they will migrate to?


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