Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What I Buy Wednedays

Even though I was in Los Angeles for the better part of last week, here's all I bought:
I only bought one bar---Mindy got several for other people. This is Lance Bass's candy bar. It has chocolate, caramel, nuts and potato chips. I haven't tried it yet. When he saw that we were buying several, he offered to autograph the box. That's what I'll keep! Just the box.

Since I didn't buy much this week, don't think I saved a lot of money. Remember, that free trip wasn't exactly "free!"

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of that bar - or Lance Bass! It obviously hasn't crossed the ocean yet. Chocolate, caramel and nuts I can easily imagine but with potato chips as well? Now you have to eat it to let me know what it was like!


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