Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What's in a Name?

You might recall that for my 70th birthday, the girls gave me a subscription to "Storyworth." Each week, I get a prompt to write about. A couple weeks ago, I got the question: How did your parents pick your name?

I thought I would share that story here:

I have no idea why my parents picked "Barbara" for my name. I do know that it was a popular name in the 1950's. My dad called me "Babs"--which was fine at the time, but I'm glad that didn't stick! He used to hug me and whisper in my ear--"You know, Babs, there's something extra special about your first-born!" Little did I know that he said something similar to each of us kids! But I'm sure happy to have that memory of him.

Everybody called me Barbara when I was little--which I actually like better than Barb. The only people who still called me that as an adult were Aunt Marie and my cousins, Chrissy and sometimes, Judy. I have to admit, I like it each time I hear it! 

When we were little, my sisters and brothers couldn't say my name properly. It came out as "Bawbaw" which is sort of endearing. Then it was "Bawb" until they were old enough to pronounce it. As cute as it might have been then, I'm really glad that didn't stick!!

Now-a-days, the only time I say "Barbara" is if I'm introducing myself to someone or if I'm signing my name.  I don't like the way Barb Eads sounds or looks.

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