Monday, June 12, 2023

Me on Monday and Monday Mystery


I'm still recovering from Camp Aunt Barb! I'm always amazed at the chaos and mess.

The pool never looks like this:
So many toys and junk laying around. The side I'm taking the picture from is loaded with towels everywhere and the table piled with all kinds of stuff! I guess it just means the kids were having a good time.

This picture was the evening on the first day.
This is the second day. 
By the third day, you couldn't even see the floor at all. I was too lazy to go downstairs to grab my phone for the picture. These kids--even though they are now 11, 11, 8 & 7--travel with a HUGE assortment of stuffed animals. They aren't called that--squish-something. Reminded me of Puffalumps. 

Oh, and the two 11 yr. olds had their own fans! I'm not talking a small personal fan--they were much bigger than that. They had texted me in advance if I had an extension cord. I thought it was for their devices--phones and pads. I said "NO" to the fans. I thought it was ridiculous! I told them that I was not having cords dangling all over. Instead, they put the ceiling fan on high and turned the fan I have pointed at the treadmill around to blow directly on them. They weren't hot--I offered to lower the thermostat--it had more to do with noise. I don't get it, but then Nathan couldn't sleep with the noise. 
This picture cracked me up--notice the three different deodorants. 

Now on to the mystery. We had a little snafu--well, I'm not sure Butch would say that! One of the kids--no one would admit to it--even though we said they weren't in trouble. We just wanted to know how the did it. The stopper for the sink was stuck down. Turns out it's the type that you just press to stop it up and then press again to pop it back open. Except---it wouldn't pop back open. Butch had to remove the pipe under the sink to pop it up from beneath the drain. That's mystery #1--who did it.

Mystery #2: Why does someone need not set the stopper. Jeanne and I were discussing that we don't think we've ever had need to use the stopper!

Mystery #3: What happened to the hand towel?

And the biggest mystery of all--#4: If you look closely in the upper right corner, you'll see a lotion bottle. Well, there was a matching soap dispenser. After everyone was gone, Butch asked me where it was. I didn't realize that it was missing. I'm not sure who put the grapefruit hand soap there--that was under the kitchen sink. They were all gone before we could ask them. Butch's theory is that someone liked the smell of the soap and decided to take it home!! It's a mystery for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Phew! You are brave. Four children at once. At least it looks like they all had a great time and took the mess home with them. I hope you solve your mystery soon.


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