Wednesday, October 28, 2020

What I Buy Wednesdays

The rock project: I bought more rocks. You might recall the first batch I bought.
I loved them. They were so colorful and creative. I had so much fun putting them around the neighborhood. The only problem with a project like this is that you don't get to see the reaction of the kids (or adults) finding them. That would be half the fun.

Anyway, after I commissioned this first batch, Mindy wanted in on the action. Soooo, I ordered 2 dozen. Since school was back in session, I had to wait a bit longer. Plus when you double the order, then you have to expect to wait longer.

This time, I was happy that Parker delivered in person rather than through her grandmother. Of course, little sister, Maddie was along. They came at a good time. They got to look around at all of the Halloween decorations.
Aren't they so adorable? I mean the girls! Although the rocks are too. 
This time, she really went all out. Parker glammed a few of them up with puff paints, sparkle paint and even some rhinestones. She's getting more creative as she goes along. Notice the candy corn, watermelon, strawberry and ice cream cone (slightly hidden). 

I'm excited to put these out. I do two a week--every Monday. Many people leave them, so I swap them out. 

Mindy lives downtown. There's a rock project called "615" which is our area code. You might find a rock with "615" on it. It's meant to be moved. But, those rocks are a little boring. These fun, colorful rocks will really add to the fun. I'm pretty sure people down there will get a kick out of them when they come across one.

You know, everybody is trying to get out there and exercise. It's so much fun to come across a surprise to keep things interesting. There's a tree on one of the hiking trails at Radnor Lake. 
I've never seen this tree because I don't do any hard hikes, but Butch has run across a cute little gnome in the crook. 

Just this past week, he found this in the same spot:
MONEY! Now we're talking! Someone left a $2.00 bill with a little note titled "Happy twos-day!" How clever! I'm going to let him take one of my rocks so he can put that in the tree.

We're all having so much fun with this. But, I have to admit. It would be nice if I ever came across something that someone else "hid/left!" 

On the other hand, I'll settle for this very unexpected and nice surprise!:
Little Parker sent me a darling thank you note for buying her rocks! Something tells me this girl already has some business acumen! I am sure she will go far!


  1. What a lovely idea, and what a sweet little thank you note!

  2. Indeed she will - that's a note to treasure :). It's really cheering to read how people's creativity and inventiveness continue to flourish in the tightest of tight corners. Hoping you find something soon ...


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