Thursday, October 22, 2020

Five Beautiful Things Thursday

Another beautiful sentiment.
A beautiful picture of the Nashville skyline.
A beautiful piece of needlepoint. No, I don't own this, but I love the color combination.
Another beautiful way to share books. I do love this beautiful blue color scheme (Mooresville, Alabama).
The beautiful slab of marble I fell in love with! Sparkly with hints of turquoise. So beautiful! 


  1. Those beautiful things were just what I needed this morning (having been woken by our dog at 1am and 3.45 am to go out in the garden when she heard a fox so am feeling a little fragile!) Love that first quote - wise words.

  2. Thank-you for that beautiful quote. I long for the days when empathy, compassion and kindness are the stuff of the everyday in all areas of our private and shared life. That is indeed a lovely and zingy colour combo; and I can see why you were attracted by the marble. Is it going in the kitchen? Hoping you have a great end of the week.


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