Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Travel Tuesday

Mooresville, Alabama was our destination two weeks ago--on our way to the beach. It's a charming and quaint little town (or I should really say village) that has really made an effort to preserve its history. You can still live there, but I'm sure it's very expensive. 

The only reason we learned about this town is because of geo-caching. Of course, I'm having trouble with my pictures, so they are out of order. The picture below is of the cache after Butch found it.

This is the picture of him looking for it! You always learn some fun history while geo-caching. That's a big part of the reason we love it.
As we were strolling through the neighborhood, this guy was really worked up. The town is so quiet, I thought for sure the owner would appear to find out what all the racket was about. 
This was the cutest little old store. It is actually still in operation, but we were there early.
Everything here was perfectly neat and orderly. It made me wonder if there is a general maintenance crew that keeps up all of the property grounds.

This is only one of two churches in the United States that has a hand with a finger pointing towards heaven.
Butch hunting for another cache at the oldest, continuously running post office in Alabama. I would have loved to catch a glimpse inside, but again we were there too early. 

All of the landscaping and gardens throughout the village were perfectly maintained.
Even the church had its own garden with a little historical walk.
This town is where I found this adorable book box. 

We walked all through the streets---I'd say there were about 3 of them with 2 intersecting them. So. Darn. Cute. Butch says we'll go back another time when the little shop and post office are open. I'm going to hold him to it.


  1. I love the top of that church - never seen anything like that before!

  2. Fascinating to see this village - your photos really convey how lovely it is. And I'd be wanting to go inside the store and post-office too. They look charming ...

  3. That looks like fun exploring; too bad you were too early for more. Love the little shop, and the little library.


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