Sunday, October 4, 2020

Halloween in the House!

Okay, the truth of it is, I did all of my Halloween decorating in September---early September at that. It's a lot of work. Maybe not as much as Christmas, but still a lot. Luckily, Butch hauls all the boxes for me.

Problems again with putting the pictures in the order that I want. So, they are more random than I would like.

These pictures are pretty gruesome, but I love that they look perfectly normal until you move. The regular photos are further down.
Stephanie came in the other night and was straightening my candles. I told her to leave them all crooked! They are supposed to look all cattywampus! 

This year, I put my big bug on Bernard's foot! Ooops, you can see my shoes in the background!

My favorite Halloween pillow. I also really enjoyed stitching it. This was my project when I was laid up after my foot surgery.
I guess you can't see very well, but here are the normal pictures.

Here's the best example of those photos. Go back up and see what the regular picture looks like. I remember getting these at Michael's years ago.
I made the button trees with my craft group--probably 10 years ago. Time flies.

Another needlepoint pillow.

Well, there it is. Another year, another Halloween. I don't think we'll be having any trick or treaters this year. Crazy year all the way around! 


  1. What a truly splendid display! I have never seen such a full and detailed Hallowe-en - you have so many fascinating things to look at. Bernard and all the other figurines are amazing .. Your needlepoint cushion is very pretty both in colour and design. And I am delighted to learn a new-to-me word: cattywumpus! Thank-you for such an interesting post :).

  2. You really do go to town with your decorations! What fun. Those pictures are particularly spooky!
    Cattywumpus is a new word to me too!


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