Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday Mystery

Well, I need to start by saying that I didn't think to take a "before" picture. It wasn't until I was actually cleaning that the subject of this post came to me. I really couldn't figure it out.

The dishwasher. All of a sudden (of course, I suppose it's been building up for years), all of a sudden, I noticed that the rim of the door and a rim around the inside of the dishwasher was really gross. It has never occurred to me that I needed to clean that. After all, it's a cleaning machine! How can it even get dirty? But it did. Gradually, so that I hardly noticed. I finally did and it appalled me.

Do most people clean their dishwasher? I recall seeing posts about cleaning products to clean the dishwasher and even a homemade method that I did try involving vinegar. Still, it didn't get the edges clean. Yesterday, I decided to clean it. It took a little elbow grease, but it came clean.
 All sparkling new now.
I suppose I could have gotten a q-tip to really get around that screw, but I was too lazy. Plus, maybe that would be a little over the top. In my eagerness to get it clean, I actually dislodged the rubber gasket. I hope that won't be a problem!

Still, how did it even get dirty? It's a mystery to me. I certainly won't let that happen again!

1 comment:

  1. No I'm feeling guilty. Should I go into the kitchen and open the dishwasher door to see what lurks beneath? Or should I sit here in the study and browse a few more blogs? No competition!


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