This place was unbelievably beautiful! It's a 3 miles paved drive to the lodge. You start here:

The details were incredible! It reminded me of why I love Disney so much---it's all in the details.
This was our room.
I spent most of my time here as it turned out to be a rainy weekend. We didn't get to do any of the activities we had planned. Luckily for Butch and Walter, they were able to get their golf in since they went early. By the time they finished, the rain started and continued the rest of the day. The next day, it was the same thing, but they were able to get their fishing in. They didn't catch any fish, but at least they got to be outside. As for Chris and I, we stitched both days. I was okay with that as I had a goal. I wanted to finish a project I wasn't particularly enjoying. And I did!
There was so much taxidermy EVERYWHERE!! Here are just 3 things in our cabin. With all the cabins and everything else, there were thousands!
Every light had something interesting on it.
This is just one more gate. They were all different and so cool.
The lines in the parking lot were fish on a stringer.
There were so many critters in our cabin.
The following photos are from the website. The weather was chilly and foggy, so I couldn't get good pictures.
The fall/Halloween flowers were beautiful. This corn stalk horse was pretty cool.
As beautiful as everything was, we learned a valuable lesson. If we are not going to participate in all the activities the resort offers, it's silly to spend that much money to stay there. If all I'm going to do is stitch and all Butch is going to do is fish and/or golf---not even on the premises, then a cabin at a state park is perfect for us. They are always reliably clean. At Big Cedar, I pictured myself stitching on the nice deck, overlooking the lake--weather prohibited that. There were several things we wanted to do there, but weren't able. They have nice hiking trails, a golf cart tour and amazing sunsets on The Top of the Rock---none of which we did.
It was a long ride home---8 hours. I'm so glad we extended our trip by doing some fun things on the front end. We also did another segment of Route 66 which I'll be posting about on Travel Tuesday next week.
I'd say this is the best part of retirement---getting to do so many fun things whenever we want!
It looks an amazing place, so many details wherever you look but I can see why you feel you didn't exactly get your money's worth. Eight hours drive home? Oh my goodness, that's like from where I live to Edinburgh!