Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts About...


The other day this little beauty landed on my beach towel.
And it stayed and stayed. Even with me moving to grab my phone to take the picture. But, here's my question: Do you think it landed here because the blue afforded some sense of protection--blending in with its surroundings? Do butterflies do that?

It's a pretty little thing. I know just about nothing about butterflies, so I turned to the internet to try to identify it. When I was a kid---say 12 or so, a girl moved in across the street about a year older. She was a little nerdy, but then again, so am I. I befriended her. She was really into butterflies and drew me in too--at least for a little while--until sports pulled me away. 

Anyway, I could not find this little gal (I prefer to think of pretty things as girls). Maybe one of my readers has a hidden passion for butterflies and can tell me something about her.


***Update! My friend, Deb came up with the name of this little beauty--it's a "blue hackberry emperor"! I do hope I can remember that. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it may be a blue version of a Hackberry Emperor (with thanks to google image search!) https://alabama.butterflyatlas.usf.edu/species/details/17/hackberry-emperor


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