Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Travel Tuesday

Travel wise--there's a lot going on. But---none of it involves me!! Yay! I'm happy to stay home for awhile. Let's start with this: 
CMA Fest 2024 is officially over. Most locals know to avoid downtown during this time. I think it's pretty exciting and love that so many fans come to town and spend a lot of money! A! Lot! Welcome and goodbye! Thanks for coming!

By the time you are reading this, Butch and Mindy are on their way to Guatemala. I've told Butch that I do not want to go anywhere in South American, I don't want to go to any more brown countries or brown states. I'm sticking to it. He was going to go by himself--which made me feel a little bad, but not bad enough to go with him. Then, Mindy said she'd like to go. Great! They will have a good time and I won't feel bad. 

Wednesday starts Camp Aunt Barb. A few months ago, the "littles" who aren't so little anymore--texted me to see if they could come an extra day this year. Considering the oldest ones are going in to the 7th grade, I can't believe they still want to come. I've always said that I'll keep having them as long as they want to come. But, since they are coming for an extra day this year, that means that I'll only get one day to myself after Butch leaves before the chaos begins! One thing is for sure---I won't get lonely! Another thing I know about CAB is that I'm excited to have the come and then I'm excited to have them go home!

Everything down to the last detail is planned! The itinerary will be posted on the refrigerator when they arrive.

Camp Aunt Barb 2024



Basketball tournament

Dinner: Make your own pizza

Play: Mexican Train

Movie—Josie picks

Snack: cake (that my friend, Nancy is making--she's that nice)

Jobs: Nathan—feed the fish; Evie—clean up pool area

Travis & Josie—clean up kitchen


        Breakfast: fried or scrambled eggs; biscuits or toast; sausage

        11:00—Surprise outing (I'll tell y'all--I'm taking them to the Adventure Park to zipline                 and climb through the treetops!)

lunch at Tito’s—Mexican food where a robot delivers your chips and salsa 

Grocery store to buy ingredients for the "bake-off"


Kube wood throw game

Bake-off--Evie and Nathan are one team--Travis and Josie are the other--adults judging-

            I have no idea what they plan to make

Dinner: grilled cheese and tomato soup

Play: poker

Night swim

Snack: bake-off goodies and judging

Movie—Nathan picks

Jobs: Travis—feed the fish; Josie clean up pool area; Evie & Travis—clean up kitchen; Josie                 & Nathan—clean up rec room and bathroom.


9:00—Pfunky Griddle

Visit the peach truck

Go for super duper milk shakes


Happy Hour at Steph’s

Play: tbd

Movie—Evie picks


Jobs: Josie—feed the fish; Evie—clean up pool area; Travis & Nathan clean up rec room and             bathroom


Breakfast: bagels and spreads

Pizza at the pool

Kube wood throw game

decorate your own cookies

Dinner: taco bar

Play: poker

Night swim

Movie—Travis picks

Snack—decorated cookies

Jobs: Evie—feed the fish; Everybody—clean up pool area and rec room and get your stuff                 together


Breakfast: cereal or bagels

Jobs: Everybody clean up and pack up; bring all towels to laundry room

That's it. Pray for me!

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