Sunday, October 25, 2020

Something for Sunday

When you are reading this, we will already be gone!

Stephanie, Mindy and I left for Atlanta and Sandy's on Thursday afternoon for a stitching weekend. They decided it would be easier to just work from here that day. I made grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. It came up that we wanted to take some wine with us to Sandy's. One thing lead to another and we decided that we wanted to bring the ingredients for the Pumpkin Pie Martini.
 If you recall, I shared the link to A Beautiful Mess for the recipe. It looks so darn cute!

We started asking Butch if he'd go to the liquor store and get us the ingredients. He kept saying, "there's no way in hell...." So, after lunch---and a lot more begging persuading, off he went. He was gone so long! Of course, he also had to stop by the grocery store for the pumpkin pie and graham crackers. 

I sent him with a list:
Turns out, we already had the vanilla vodka---brand new, unopened. He said it was from some other fancy drink that I never made! That's a win--one less thing to buy!
When he got back, he handed me the receipt. Holy smokes!! $47.00 for the liquor---not counting the vodka we already had. Plus, the $10.00 from the grocery store for the Mrs. Smith's pie and graham crackers. When you break it down, this drink will cost about twenty bucks apiece!! Now we know why drinks are so expensive in bars!!

Anyway, I'll have to share pictures of how they look when we make them AND whether they were worth it or not. 

As for Butch--ya' gotta' love a guy that will do anything for his "girls!" And we love him for it!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, what a kind man he is! And yes, that's an eye-watering sum - ouch. Perhaps each mouthful will be even more thoroughly savoured now you know that cost! I hope you have a super stitching weekend and a great time together.


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