Monday, October 12, 2020

Monday Mystery

This is a mystery that I can't seem to solve. 

When you are traveling and trying to take a nap, what are you supposed to do with your arms? 

I've tried several things:
1. Resting each arm on the center console and the armrest on the door. 
That didn't work because my arms fell asleep--and you know how that feels. 

2. Crossing my arms.
That didn't work because when I actually fell asleep, my arms relaxed, fell to my sides and woke me up.

3. Letting my arms dangle at my side. 
Believe it or not, they fell asleep that way too. 

4. Resting them in my lap.
That just felt weird and unnatural.

5. Putting them behind my head.
Okay, I didn't do that. That's just stupid.

If anyone has any tips just let me know. I can take tons of catnaps---like 5 minutes or so, but not a good long snooze. I'm open to suggestions. Help me solve this stupid mystery.

1 comment:

  1. I think that I catnap with my arms not exactly crossed but with my hands on top of one another over my stomach and my elbows resting on the door armrest and the console. PS I hope you aren't driving at the time of the catnap :-)


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