Saturday, October 17, 2020

A Little Something for Saturday

Hey All!! I've been a little busy this week at the beach--shopping, shopping, shopping--for our remodel. It's been a whole lot of fun, but exhausting. After one day of looking at tile and countertops--many different places--Butch said I could just handle it on my own. He's reached his limit! It can be overwhelming for sure. Still, I loved it!

Anyway, more on all of that later. We're on the way home by the time you read this. I just wanted to share a little something that I came across from another blog I follow:
A Beautiful Mess. They shared this delicious looking martini. I'm all about martinis these days--"extra dirty, please!" 
It's a pumpkin pie martini!! How cute is that!!! That tiny little slice of pumpkin pie is so adorable. I'm going to make some of these real soon. You can find the recipe on their blog: A Beautiful Mess. Oh, and btw, I love their podcasts too! Helps while away the hours walking for sure!


  1. By gum, that Martini recipe packs a punch! But it looks very pretty indeed :). Looking forward to hearing more about your re-model, though all that shopping sounds as if it needs lots of energy.

  2. It is fun having a project to research - and it looks like you've found the perfect drink to have at the end of an exhausting day of shopping!


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