Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday Mystery

So, I told you about shopping on Black Friday. But I didn't go in to details. The one thing I really like about Black Friday is Bath and Bodyworks. They ALWAYS have good sales, but their Black Friday sale is fabulous on just this one day a year. They have Buy 3 Get 3 Free---which basically means everything is half price. Then, if you spend $30.00,  you can buy this huge bag full of stuff---at least $200 worth for $30.00. I always take advantage of that because it makes a really nice gift for my cleaning lady along with her Christmas bonus.

Well, as one of the clerks greeted us, she was particularly friendly and chatted us up. We proceeded to tell her how Bath and Bodyworks candles have become our favorite---even over Yankee candles. They hold their scent to the end. She then told us that what happened is that somewhere along the line, Yankee Candle started only scenting the top 1/2" to save money.

I know you should take the competitions word with a grain of salt. But that totally explains it. Years ago, Yankee candles were the best on the market. Not anymore.

Considering I light a candle every single day as part of my morning routine: make my tea, run a sink of sudsy water, light the candle and unload the dishwasher, I want a scent that lasts.

I never realized there was a mystery here, but now it's solved! Bath and Bodyworks candles are simply the BEST. Don't get me wrong, there are others on the market that are fabulous, but they also have ridiculous prices to go with them. That's literally burning money!!

Who's with me on this?


  1. Oh my goodness - shame on Yankee Candles! If that is true it's dreadful, but would explain this week's mystery.

  2. Oh, I'm not sure I believe that about Yankee Candles, although using tarts would solve the problem. And if you had smelled Yankee Candles French Countryside scent you might believe they were still the best on the market. (wink, wink)


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