Thursday, April 28, 2022

Five Things Thursday

1. I'm pretty sure this is true!
At least it's true for me. I was meant to set a good example for my younger brothers and sisters, so I did!

2. OMGosh! 
I've never been to Minnesota, but I think I'll wait until summer!

3. I've never heard of this before and don't quite understand it.

Everybody attending put their wedding rings on the cake before the wish. What in the world would a 17 year old wish for that the "married" attendants would want for themselves.? This is some sort of custom that I don't really understand.

4. This past weekend was "Camp Mother-in-law!" 
Justin wasn't able to go, so Bruce filled in. I'm so happy that the guys had such a good time. It's going to be an annual event!

5. I love this.

Illustrated by my favorite, Susan Branch.

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