Sunday, March 20, 2022

Some Things for Sunday

1. I just knew something was not quite right with my Easter decor. I started thinking about it and was wondering where the pitcher, teapot and a few other things I knew I had---were. Then I found this:
I had Butch get in to the cabinets above the refrigerator and lo and behold, there was the rest of my "stuff!"
The crazy thing about this---I have stored all of the Easter decor here for 25 years. I guess it's another "old" thing that I forgot! 
Now it looks right. Before it was all too "flat." There wasn't enough dimension.

I was wondering what happened to my faux foil bunnies. I thought that maybe I had given it all away already. I just might after this season. I need to send the pictures to all the girls and see if anyone wants anything.

2. Recently, I came upon this scene.
I never knew how signs were put up or even what they were made of. I never really thought about it, but I never dreamed it was some sort of fabric.
It was one guy all by himself in a cherry picker. He had a long pole and raised it up in the middle first. Then he did the same thing on either side. I couldn't figure out how it was affixed in such a way that it would just stay. It seems like the wind would catch it. Whatever. Interesting.

3. Time to deal with this:
In my organizing efforts in my scrapbook room, I was putting this off. It's a huge "glob" of photos that need to be sorted and put in to my "working" albums. That's the term I use for photos that I might need--or not--that I am not ready to get rid of quite yet. I don't know why I put it off. It won't take very long at all. A half hour at most. That will make me happy.

4. Speaking of organizing, I saw a good idea for storing washi tape. I started with this:
A 12x12 storage box full of washi tape. This works perfectly fine, but I seldom drag it off the shelf and use any of it. Then after seeing that organizing idea where someone used a Saran wrap box to organize them, I remembered this:
A friend of mine gave me this fancy, wrap holder box for Christmas. The problem is that it wouldn't fit in my kitchen drawer where all the wraps reside. I really didn't know what I was going to do with it. And now, it's this:
I put an assortment of tapes in the box. Now I can keep this on my table and actually use it. Plus, it will be handy to take on my twice a year scrapbook retreats. There's defintely plenty to share as those washi rolls have alot of tape on them.

5. Okay, I'm doing this:
I mentioned a method that I had read about for cleaning out your closet. Put your hangers backwards on the rod. So, I took the time to switch mine. I don't like how it looks. At. All. But, I'm going to live with it and see how it goes. When I wear something, I'll turn the hanger in the right direction. After a period of time--say 3 months, I'll know which clothes I wear consistently and which I don't. You'll notice on the right, that the hangers are turned the right way. These are my "around the house clothes" which I wear most of the time. Funny that there are so few. Hmmm, when this experiment is over, I'll move more of the nicer clothes that I don't wear to this side. Then I'll look nice even when I'm hanging out at home. Heck, why not? We'll see.
I didn't turn the top hangers--although I need to. But, I cannot reach this high. I barely can put them on the rod as is. Look at all those white tops. Surely there are many that could be "weeded out." Baby steps.

Okeedokie. That's it for today.


  1. That's a great idea for storing the washi tape - a neat bit of recycling. Funny how we procrastinate about things and then once we've done them we wonder what all the fuss was about! Hoping your wardrobe keeps reshaping itself to your satisfaction this year.

  2. I bet you will be using a lot more washi tape now that it is more easily accessible. I have so much that I had to catalog it, like lots of my other scrapbook supplies - but still I always leave a few rolls out on the desktop in a tray.


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