Butch did some fishing. As I like to say...
...he's always hopeful. As it turns out, nary a bite this trip. Still, he enjoys the sound of the waves and the beauty of the ocean. Me, I give it an hour or so. That's enough for me. I do love it when the weather is like this---I don't like it when I just roast.
I brought lunch!
I'm pretty sure I posted a picture like this a few months ago. I asked for the tackle box for Christmas just so I could do this. It's absolutely perfect! I love it. There are plenty of compartments for everything. This could easily hold enough for four people. I posted this picture on Facebook. Katie, the daughter of my friend, Nancy left me a comment. She said, "Looks like a "snackle" box! OMGosh! That's exactly what it is! Thanks, Katie! From now on it will be known as the "snackle" box!
I'm pretty sure I posted a picture like this a few months ago. I asked for the tackle box for Christmas just so I could do this. It's absolutely perfect! I love it. There are plenty of compartments for everything. This could easily hold enough for four people. I posted this picture on Facebook. Katie, the daughter of my friend, Nancy left me a comment. She said, "Looks like a "snackle" box! OMGosh! That's exactly what it is! Thanks, Katie! From now on it will be known as the "snackle" box!
When we decided to call it a day, we had a bunch of stuff to haul back.
Or I should say, Butch had a bunch of stuff to haul back! I know, I'm spoiled! I was carrying my beach bag and towel. He's always afraid I'm going to fall--which I have been known to do!
Or I should say, Butch had a bunch of stuff to haul back! I know, I'm spoiled! I was carrying my beach bag and towel. He's always afraid I'm going to fall--which I have been known to do!
Funny Story:
We've taken to walking to restaurants as much as we can. There are so many within a 3 miles radius. Blue Mabel's is 2.75 miles down 30A. My brother, Matt, told us about it. Round trip, it's 5.5 miles. Makes us feel like we burn the calories of our dinner!
This was only our second time at Blue Mabel's--the first being back in November. When we sat down, Butch said that there was a couple who was there the first time we came. He said, “Remember, they had their dog?”
Of course, I didn’t remember. A little later, he said, “Look, they’ve got the dog!” Then I was certain he was correct. What are the odds! As that couple was leaving, they passed our table. The woman stopped and asked if walking bothered my back. I was a little puzzled, but said, “No.”
She then said, “Well, we passed you and you had your hands on your back. We thought about stopping and offering you a ride.”
I told her that I just sometimes do that for a place to put my hands. Stupid, I guess, but my arms get tired dangling! Turns out they are from Nashville—Nolensville area. They bought a house down here in Santa Rosa and moved. She said, (her husband never talked) that Blue Mabel’s is one of their favorite places. I told her about the fact it was only our second time but that they were here the last time!
Man, it's a small world!
On our last night, we had planned to walk down to the beach to watch the sunset.
By then, we had already showered, so decided to just enjoy it from the porch. It's hard to get pictures that do it justice. This one is pretty close. The pink clouds were so pretty!We're trying to get down there once a month. This is our first trip for 2022. We have penciled ourselves on the calendar every month. We'll see how that works out. We still haven't been able to go and just stay as long as we want. There's always something we need to get back for. Maybe the next time. We'll see...
What are the chances that those same people would be there at the same time as you? It is a very small world.