Saturday, January 16, 2021

I've already mentioned that we've subscribed to Every Plate a couple months ago. The food is delicious. It's a division of Hello Fresh. You won't find it anywhere, but it must be because some of the things that come in the Every Plate box have Hello Fresh on them. 

As subscription food services go, this is a really good one. You get three meals for two people for $38.95 per week. 

One of our meals this week was gnocchi with chicken sausage. It was delicious. In fact, ALL of the meals have been delicious. We have not had a bad meal since we've started with them. These meals are a little quicker than the Hello Fresh meals. 

It's nice not to have to think about what you are going to cook. The recipe cards are easy to follow. You can find out more about it here. 

I happen to have a few boxes to give away. That's 3 meals for free. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send one your way. I'm telling you, you will really like the food. You have nothing to lose to give it a try for free! 


  1. I'm interested Barbara! I thought several times last year about trying something like this just to have some new things. We haven't eaten out (except for two drive thrus on a quick funeral trip in October) since last March. We're making everything at home & enjoying it, but this would put a twist in it.

  2. That's a very generous offer for someone and I am sure you'll have quite a few US takers. I can see the usefulness of having someone do all the planning for you, though I have to confess to loving a new cookery book!


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