Sunday, May 17, 2020

What We're Doing

We started out on Monday by hiking around Radnor Lake. So beautiful---this could be a picture hanging in my house!

 There was one are where there had to be a hundred turtles. They were lined up on logs as far as the eye can see.
 What a gorgeous photo---the contrast of the trees and that bright blue sky! I'm quite the photographer! Actually, since we were out "in the country," I couldn't listen to music or a podcast. So I decided to really pay attention to my surroundings.
 After our 3 miles at Radnor, we headed south to do some geo-caching. We went  to Thompson Station where we saw this little bird. I haven't looked it up yet, but it was new to us.
 We stopped at this park and remembered that we had been here about 10 years ago when we first started out geo-caching. In this sandbox, there is a cache hidden under one of these Tonka trucks. I really wanted to look for it again, but there was a lady and little kid there, so we didn't.
Butch went off in to the woods to find the cache while I enjoyed my book in the sun. Then I noticed this and walked over.
I've never seen anything like it. It's some sort of outside exercise facility. There's just all this wooden things and bars. Each one has a sign of all the different ways you can work out.

This week, we've started to venture out a bit. I met Connie at Nashville Needleworks to stitch. We social distanced. Afterwards, we went to Five Guys for a burger and sat outside. We had the whole patio to ourselves.

On Thursday I did this:
I desperately needed a pedicure. I made an appointment. They had plenty of space. Plus, there was a plexiglass partition between me and the technician. It wasn't the greatest pedicure, but it will do until my favorite place reopens.

Sandy and Greg came in for the weekend. We went to Stephanie and Nicky's  on Friday night and sat around the fire pit. So fun! The rest of the weekend was pool time. Nothing like being outdoors to feel like we have plenty of space to spread out---even in the pool.

We're heading to the beach for a couple days to check on things down there. 
Hope you have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. I guess those plexiglass screens are going to be appearing in lots of places, what a good idea. Isn't it strange how it is some of the little pleasures that we miss the most? A little bit of pampering is good for your soul, that's for sure! I can't wait until we can meet up with family in our gardens rather than just over the park, you are so lucky! Have a fab time at the beach x


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