2. Kroger has beef tenderloin on sale this week. We have it on Christmas Eve with fresh horseradish cream on Sister Shubert yeast rolls. Yum! We "do" pick up foods and eat all night long while opening gifts. The reason I'm even showing the meat is because I discovered Kroger's best kept secret about 10 years ago. People think that when you get the whole tenderloin at the sale price, you have to trim it out and cut it yourself. Not so. Just pick out what you want and give it to the butcher. Ask him to trim it out for you. But here's the key---request that the trimmings be ground in to ground meat. Otherwise, you just get the trimmed out piece---while still paying for the trimmings. You could also have it cut into steaks. Anyway, by having them trim it out, you get everything at the good price. I'm thinking I should get another one for steaks.
3. Happiness is a pot of stew simmering on the stove. This is mom's recipe---really good. There's a secret ingredient that doesn't go with stew at all---that would be allspice---just a hint, but you can tell it's there. I made a pot of vegetable soup on Sunday, so we have both in the refrigerator. Same meat, two dishes. That is the extent of my cooking this week. I may even have to put some in the freezer as I'll be out every day for lunch and dinner for the rest of this week.
4. Oh, My, Gosh! Are these the cutest things? I got home on Monday to a big box. My sister-in-law, Chris, sent these to me. Nary a one was broken! She's been making them for at least 20 years. She also makes the most gorgeous gingerbread houses. Truly, I'm not exaggerating---they are the BEST I've ever seen. She made one for me years ago that I managed to keep for about 3 years until it deteriorated too badly. Anyway, she makes these little "guys" with her grandkids every year now. I was thrilled to get them. I'm trying to keep them until the Lapps family gets here on the 23rd so they can see them too. But as you can see, they are trying to escape.
5. Mindy and Stephanie had a "little" cookie exchange at work. Mindy dropped hers off here. Is this supposed to make up for the dip?
6. Nothing like comfort food for dinner. But what I love most is the 2% milk. I haven't had it in probably 15 or 20 years when we "bought in" to the idea that skim is the way to go. Thank you Dr. Oz, for confirming the study that 2% is all around the best choice. Seems the skim milk has more sugar, that, in the long run, costs you more in terms of carbohydrates that converts to fat in the body. The extra fat in the 2% helps to fill you up better. I'm lovin' it!
7. Morgan and Carson came over after school today and hung out for awhile. They helped to consume some of the cookies. I only let them have one of the little gingerbread boys!
8. I was watching a Biography that I had taped on Kate Middleton. I am and have always been, obsessed with The Royal Family. Actually, I'm obsessed with everything British. I should have been born there. From a young girl, I've loved English literature. In fact, my favorite book of all time is Wuthering Heights.
Anyway, while in England this fall, one of our drivers told us that a favorite after school snack is baked beans over toast. That seemed really weird to us. Well, while watching the biography of Kate, they said that baked beans over toast is Prince William's favorite snack. I couldn't believe it. That just doesn't sound good at all. I guess for the Brits, it's like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches here. For us, baked beans go with barbecue---and stand alone---no toast needed. I'll stick with PB&J for my snack.
9. Anybody watch the new Fear Factor? It's still pretty gross---I could never eat disgusting stuff. This week it was scorpions. But for some reason, I like seeing other people eat it. There was a mother/son team that was really "affectionate" with each other. The rest of the teams thought it was too "over the top" too. They were just too "huggy and kissy" for a mother and son. Very peculiar. The show was just so, so. I have another one taped, so I'll give it another try.
10. Kind of weird, but entertaining:
Gotye---very interesting!
All for now....
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