Thursday, October 6, 2011

In Honor...

I'm sure this is some sort of copyright infringement, but some how I think Apple will understand. I could not let this day go by without mentioning the passing of Steve Jobs.

Remember, this blog is my "online" diary/scrapbook---documenting that which is important to me.

I've been an Apple user for nearly 20 years now---all alone. Until the last 5 years or so, all of my family and friends were on the "other side." Now, even Butch has been converted. The Lapps' are the only "hold outs" for a Mac in our family---but they have plenty of Apple devices. Apple products are just plain slick and have changed the world.

With all of that being said, here's to you Steve---may you rest in peace---and thanks for the impact you've made in my life.

You can bet he's left something in the pipeline for us! At least I sure hope so.

Now you can scroll down for my regular blog post. Off to KY Lake this weekend for our annual "Cousin's Crop" at which no cousins will be!

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