On the layout, "Flea Market Finds", I had too many photos that I wanted to use. In order to accommodate most of them, I created a small fold out on each side---good idea to get more pictures on the page.
I love the title on the page about Stephanie:
"Stephanie: She has many talents, but cooking is not among them."
On "Cradle Catholics" I had the 4 generations of First Communion pictures. I decided to make it sort of a family tree---my 3 girls connect to me, their children connect to them. Love that idea. I've left a spot for Elizabeth---about 4 more years until she makes hers. If I have other grandchildren, I'll figure it out (another fold-out maybe). I just loved the concept of all the generations. Even though it seems like I've done a lot of First Communion layouts lately, they all go in different books that will ultimately go to different people. There's no reason you can't duplicate the same layout, or at least use the same pictures.
The last two single page layouts are title and end pages that I "taught" to my friends at the farm crop. Notice my original quote---of course, now that I've said it (and it goes down in history as a famous quote), I can think of how I'd rather have said it. I would have substituted the word lots with many. I guess I should have spent more time thinking about a quote that would go down in history--as I'm sure it will!

Love the layouts!