Anderson Cooper with CNN was in town this past Monday. He called what happened here a tragedy and apologized for the lack of media coverage. Most people knew nothing of the wide spread flooding throughout the great state of Tennessee until Opryland had to be evacuated. That was just a tip of the iceberg.

I would venture to say---with the exception of loss of lives (for which there is no comparison)---our flood was every bit as devastating as Katrina. People traveling through the state were trapped in their cars on highways that had been shut down, nursing homes had to be evacuated, people were trapped in their homes without power, shelters were set up all over town, schools and businesses were shut down and yet, the outside world had no idea what was going on. There was no option to go to the stadium as it flooded, downtown flooded---the flooding took place everywhere.
It seems to me that it isn't newsworthy in this country unless it happens to the poor and downtrodden. Just because this happened to the middle class and "well-to-do" doesn't mean it wasn't just as devastating. Most of these people lacked flood insurance (why would you have it for an event that could never be predicted---they're calling this a 200 year flood---what does that mean anyway?) and have lost everything. It is heartbreaking to see all of their possessions piled in a muddy, stinky, messy heap in the front yard.
What DID happen here that would have been good to report---people picked themselves up the very next day and started shoveling out. Within a week, most houses have been gutted down to the studs. How they will actually re-build is anybody's guess. Oh, and FEMA took nearly a week to get here too. But that didn't stop the "volunteers" from starting! There were only 3 cases of reported looting and our mayor never once screamed at the president to do something. Oh and by the way, the president hasn't even bothered to stop by.
It bothers me that there is a culture in this country of people that believe that the "haves" should be taken from to give to the "have nots". Well, the "haves" don't have it to give now and yet, they'll get by.
I guess the irony in all this is that I keep saying in disbelief---"where in the world is all the "stuff" that has just vanished---swept away by the floods?" To which Walter replied---"it's all on it's way to New Orleans!"

Ooops! That isn't the result of the flood, that's Jordan's room! Looks like we still need a shovel!
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