Sunday, December 27, 2009

What's in Your Closet?

I've often complained about the fact that Butch thinks nothing of "junking" up the bathroom just so he can keep his closet perfect. I finally decided to offer proof! There's  no doubt about it, he has the neatest closet this side of the Mississippi! Every Monday, I take all the "crap" he has laying around the bathroom and shove it in his closet. He HATES that. Of course, for the longest time, he thought Margarita was doing it. I'm ashamed to say that I let her take the fall! But, sincerely, why should I have to look at his "junk" just so he has a perfect closet---that NO one sees?

All items of clothing are hung in the same direction with like things together.

He's definitely set if there's a nuclear fallout. He has the rain ponchos all set. Add the power bars and a few bottles of water and I think he can survive at least a month in his closet. Of course, the window could be a problem. I'm sure it's not air-tight! 

I'd have to say, when it comes to survival, his closet is a close second to his car.  Ahhh, but that's another photo shoot!

I'll share my closet soon. Definitely cuter than his!

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