Here ya' go. A few photos of my closet. I do have one thing over Butch---mine is color co-ordinated. I do have junk lying on the floor during the week--especially if I'm going to wear it again---why hang it up? Mostly my "hangin' around the house" clothes and several pairs of slippers are on the floor. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my slippers? Not perfect like his, but I'm happy with it! Notice the all white hangers? No wires for me! Oh and my stuff all hangs in the same direction too.
The best idea that I've had that has really worked well for me---I keep a shopping bag in the closet. When I try something on and don't like it for whatever reason, it goes in the bag. When the bag is full, I give it to Margarita. Much better than continually trying on the same things over and over again. Let's face it, if it doesn't fit, don't torture yourself!
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