Now on to Steph's room. By the time we got to Steph's house on Monday night, it was pretty late. It took awhile to show me around as there was so much to see. Everywhere you move, they do things differently. She has these rounded corners on all her walls---looks really cool. Anywhere that should be a right angle is rounded. The walls also has a really neat texture to them---not that pokey stuff or stucco---sort of flat, but textured---if that makes sense. I should have tried to take a close-up picture. Steph??
Last, they took me to Steph's room. The room was a little smaller than I expected (really could only be used as a nursery---about 8x12 or so) and filled to the brim with boxes that overflowed and lined the hallway. In my mind, I'm thinking "no way will all this stuff fit". And, since the closet she had to store her scrapbook supplies in was so small in the other house, I couldn't imagine where she had all this. Right off, I had to have Bryan and her help me get some of the boxes out so that I could even begin to work. I was completely overwhelmed and doubting I could get it done. Of course, it was night-time and I always feel that way at night. In the morning, I can tackle the world.
Tuesday a.m.---no clock in the guest room, but I thought I heard a shower. I figured it must be around 5 or so and time to get started. When I got upstairs, I discovered it was 3:30 a.m. The perfect time to begin! Here's a shot a little way into the "before":

Here's one of the hallway, but by the time I took this one, I had already cleared out a bunch of boxes:

I made a few things for her room. I got this idea from the Pottery Barn catalog. Mine are smaller---I used 12x12 patterned paper attached to 12 inch cork squares. She can use them as a bulletin board (or not) and change out the paper as necessary.

I also had her give me her baby box so that I could incorporate some of her childhood momentos into her room. This is her Strawberry Shortcake doll collection. If you look at the pictures above, you can see a pair of New Kids on the Block boxer shorts hanging from the light. On the shelf over her desk are all kinds of dolls, books, toys and even her baby spoon.

Stepanie totally loved it---did I mention that I didn't let her see it until I was completely finished? Morgan helped me with a few things---especially dressing the dolls. Jordan and Morgan helped me in the dentist's office assemble some Quickutz dies. I just hope Steph will keep up with it and put things away when she's done with each project. There were a couple of minor things I didn't finish, so I left her with a homework list. Such a great room! It was a pleasure. Happy Birthday, Steph!
All totaled, I logged 20 1/2 hours in two days to get the room done. That counts an hour in the dentist's office too---had to use every available moment. I have to say, I'm pretty tired of hauling boxes down! Really makes me NOT want to move. Golly, we're back to ME again! And I realize I say "golly" a lot! Later....
PS I couldn't get the final picture of the room from the doorway to load. I'll have to try again later.
It looks really nice! It doesn't seem like a small room. It actually looks like a good size room to me. Since it's Steph's room, the only person going in there should be her, so she should be able to keep everything organized!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Why were you at the dentist's office?
I love it. As usual, you did a great job!