Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tuesday Thoughts About...


I recently read an article about jeans and how to care for them.

Washing jeans wears them out. You are only supposed to wash jeans after 10  or 12 wears. Or every 6 weeks. Or if they begin to smell. If they begin to smell, but don't look dirty, put them in the freezer. 

Turn inside out to wash.

Cold water only.

Never dry them.

One expert says to only wash them every 8 or 9 months to make them last the longest. 

Bottom line, wear them until they start to smell. Then freeze them. Don't wash them except every 8 or 9 months and you’ll never have to buy another pair of jeans. 

Really? Seriously, who would ever follow this "non-washing" advice? I don't follow any of these rules. I do not turn my jeans inside out. I use warm water. And, I always throw them in the dryer. 

I have never worn out a pair of jeans. I get rid of them for two reasons only:

1. I've outgrown them.

2. I've spilled something on them that doesn't come out. 

Come on, I think you can afford to buy new jeans every now and then! 

I decided to inventory my jeans. I have 16 pairs of jeans—excessive? I think not! 

They are different colors and styles:

2 light blue

3 regular blue

2 dark blue

4 white (okay this is probably more than I need)

1 grey

4 black (I need a LOT of black jeans)

How many pairs of jeans do you own?  


  1. The jean washing debate has been going on over here too! I don't wash mine that often unless I've spilt something on them or if I feel they are going a bit out of shape. I have six pairs, 1 pale, 2 regular, 1 black and 2 grey.

  2. That advice sounds like it was in the early days when jeans were washed on washboards, if you ask me. I will often wear mine two days, but that's my limit. I know my kids would wear theirs much longer when at college, because they wanted to stretch out the time between doing laundry. I would guess I have about 8 pairs of jeans and about 6 pair of cropped jeans. I can't go count them because several are in the laundry at the moment.


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