Saturday, May 27, 2023

Something for Saturday

1. I decided to show this picture so you could see both planters on the front porch.
Notice my blue porch ceilings. That did the trick to keep the birds from building nests up there. But then there's this one--the first picture I took:
I decided I didn't like the dead boxwoods! We're going to be replacing these in the fall. They look pretty bad. That's just what we're dealing with. When we do replace them, it will be years before they get this big.

2. While I was cleaning out and organizing this week, I came across a few things. 
I cannot imagine what ever possessed me to do a report on bird beaks. 
And cloth. I don't remember either of these projects or why I saved them. I've had them for over 60 years. I guess I'll hang on to them for a bit longer. Who knows maybe I can use them in my scrapbooking.

3. I do remember having to carry so many books.
This was way before kids started rolling suitcases with their books. I guess these girls couldn't find any boys to carry theirs! Actually, neither could I.

4. Now this is funny. I have no idea when or why I wrote this.

So true! I was such a mess as a kid. It's hard for me to believe it, but I actually lived it!

5. And last, I came across this old picture. One of my all-time favorites:

My beautiful girls: Stephanie, Sandy (in red) and Mindy (in front). This was about 1994. 

1 comment:

  1. It's so sad to see the plants which haven't survived the winter. Over here everyone's box hedging has died. Apparently it's being eaten away by the Box Moth Caterpillar and it's countrywide.
    What a lovely photo of your girls!


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