Sunday, May 21, 2023

Something For Sunday

1. On Thursday night, we all went to Cheekwood (our botanical gardens). Stephanie organized it. We arrived at 5:30. But, what none of us considered---since it's a light show throughout the garden, we weren't going to see it until dark!
Actually, it worked out fine since we hadn't seen each other in a couple weeks. That gave us plenty of time to catch up, have drinks and dinner from the food trucks. We all enjoyed it, but agreed, once is enough. The actual "show" was pretty underwhelming.

2. "The BOWL"---Butch has this bowl on the counter---specifically designated for his "stuff." 
Apparently it's not enough--even though he even has this:
This is his drawer---right under where his bowl is. Still, it's not enough.
He still has to have more stuff scattered on the counter!! At least he keeps it right in front of his bowl. Whenever people are coming over, I'll scoop it all into the bowl. It's sort of an unspoken "rule!"

3. I love my planters on the front porch.
I don't know what the sage-y stuff is, but it really works with the geraniums. There's one on the other side of the front door too. I should have taken another picture. They make a nice show from the driveway.

4. Earlier this week, we received the "free" kits of Covid tests--8 of them. I didn't order them, they just showed up.
As it turns out this is Medicare fraud!! My friend, Karolyn told me that she recieved 5 sets of these. She called Medicare and was told that she should pay attention to her Medicare explanation of benefits which comes quarterly. They will have $100 for each of these "deliveries." 

This is my first experience with this terrible problem. It's costing us billions!

5. I was going through some old pictures and came across a couple of cute ones:
I do not remember what year this was, but obviously it was Easter.
And this one! So cute of Elizabeth and Mindy. This was the year that I had everyone pick a partner to cook a meal on our family vacation. We all made aprons. It was so much fun---everyone really got into it. As is usual for our family, it became a competition.

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