Saturday, September 28, 2019

You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!

Remember how I said that from now on, whenever I have trouble opening something I'm going to contact the company? Well I've finally "had it" with opening the twist off tops of Coke bottles. 

I sent the Coke company this email:

I'm writing on behalf of all seniors! I am a very active 67 yr old female--not feeble in any way. Recently, I am finding that about half the bottles in a 6 pack are nearly impossible to open. I have to enlist my husband who also has trouble. We can't understand why some of the bottles are easy to open while others are nearly impossible. I'm a recent Coke convert---for about 3 years. Prior to that I only drank Pepsi. If I continue to have trouble opening the plastic bottles, I might have to go back! 

A few days later, I got this response:

Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company.  We appreciate your loyalty to Coke and are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Thank you for taking time to bring this to our attention.
We are very interested in this unusual situation and would like to obtain additional information, so we can provide a complete report to the appropriate management.  We would like to request the following:

•  The date you purchased the product and the date the incident occurred;
•  Whether or not you still have the bottle;
•  The name, street address, city, state, and zip code of the store where you purchased the product;
•  The number of ounces contained in the bottle and the type of packaging (for example, 20-ounce plastic bottle)
•  The number of bottles affected;
•  The complete date code (similar to NOV2713XPE12:13CT225) located near the neck of the bottle.
Please feel free to reply directly to this message with the information and you should expect a response soon.  We do ask that you hold on to the packaging until you hear from our representative.
Please include the following reference number in the subject line: {ticketno:[8008533311]}
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to hearing from you again.

You have got to be kidding me!! 

Seriously!! That is a ridiculous response. What I expected was to be informed that my email would be passed along to the packaging department. I thought they might try to figure out why the bottles have to be so "tight" or make an adjustment to the machine. 

This is how I read their response:

"Thank you for contacting us. Although we appreciate your loyalty, we really don't give a s**t! However, if you want to spend two hours gathering all of the following information, we'll be happy to  send it on to whoever might be willing to take a look at it---which basically means no one. We appreciate your cooperation, but don't really think we'll be hearing from you again!"

Oh were they wrong. This is what I sent in response:

You have got to be kidding me! Did you even read my email? All I expected from you was that you might have someone in production look at the adjustments on the machine that does the screw tops or something. I guess this just means that it will always be a gamble as to whether I’ll be able to open the twist offs or not. Apparently this is not something that Coke cares about. It seemed simple enough to me. You do not have to bother to respond. I already "get it."

The End.

On the other hand, I received this from a company that knows how to handle customers. You can read about that experience here.
Although I am not sending emails to "get" something, it's sure nice when you do! Just shows that some companies really care about their customers.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on responding to their response. I used to work for the complaints dept of a holiday tour operator and I know a standard response when I see one! I bet no human even read your first email, it just automatically generated a 'more information' reply. I wonder if this is the start of a lengthy correspondence between the two of you!


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