Monday, March 24, 2025

Me on Monday

My "travel Tuesday" post is going to be about my trip to New York with these girlies on their Spring Break last week. 

We had a great time--Josie, Me and Evie. But today's post is about this little gal!
Josie was my little buddy. On our last evening, we had a brief--what was supposed to be--rest in our hotel before going to dinner. We were staying on the 33rd floor. Josie wanted to look in the stairwell. I gave her my key and warned her to make sure she could get back inside. 

She came back pretty quick and said that I needed to see the stairs. I went out with her and looked down. It was that sensation of looking into infinity--you could not see the bottom. I said, "OMGosh, this looks amazing! It's so tempting! I think we HAVE to do it!" Her little face lit up! "Really?" Really!

We started down--she counted. Each time she reached 100, she started over. It took quite a while to get down--66 flights because there were 10 steps in each set--2 sets per floor. 

When we got to the bottom, the door was locked! Now, I'm a little worried. I didn't bring my phone. I was worried that we'd have to go all the way back up!! We went up to the next floor. There was an exit door. I made sure that the door wasn't alarmed and carefully opened it. The door opened to the street, but was blocked off. There was about an 6" gap. Teeny, tiny Josie said, "Aunt Barb, I can get through there!" 

I said, "And what? You're going to leave me here?" There was no way I was letting that little girl hit the streets of New York City unattended!!--Even if she had an air-tag on her shoe!

So, we went up another couple of flights and finally found a door unlocked. It opened in to the kitchen of our hotel. We quickly snuck through and made our way to the elevators in the lobby. 

On our way up, I said, "Josie, I want you to always remember this. Your Aunt Barb is 73 and you are 9 years old! We did this--689 steps!"

When we got in the room, Josie was babbling with excitement. She said, "Aunt Barb went really fast!" She was used to hearing Janet and I telling the girls to slow down all week!

Evie wasn't happy to have missed it. I admitted that my legs were quivering. I could not believe it when Josie said hers were too! It was a work out for sure--even if it was going down. Hard on the knees and I definitely felt it for two days!

I can't help it. I'm all about the memories! That little girl will never forget this, when she thinks about her first trip to New York. It was one of her favorite things. Actually, it was one of mine too!

Later, after dinner, we were in our room. I had downloaded some pictures we bought--to Janet's phone. I also set up an album for this trip for her. I was showing her a few other things about her phone. Josie got in on the act. She was showing Janet all kinds of things she could do. 
I was laughing so hard. That little girl doesn't even have a phone, yet she knows more than her "Gram!" So darn funny! 

More about our trip tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I have an absolute fear of lifts and so always have to take the stairs wherever I go (which is why I never visit high rise buildings!) I sympathise with you over the quivering leg muscles - and can imagine your rising panic as you realised that you couldn't get out of the stairwell, what an experience!


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