Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Funnies

I love these kinds of pictures so much!

Another one.

We actually have one like this too:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ten Things Thursday

Thought I would just share some more beautiful kitchens.

This ceiling--so amazing!
I love how these cabinets look more like furniture. 

I'm not sure about this one. There's much to like, but It's a little too dark for me.
I love the vintage vibe of this kitchen AND the color combination.

Another fabulous ceiling. The cabinetry is gorgeous too.
Everything here is beautiful. Another cool ceiling and I love the lights.
Just everything!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

What I Buy Wednesday...

Or I should say what WE bought back in 1978--our first house! 
It didn't exactly look like this--I pulled this from Zillow. 40 years later, it's showing its age.

Here's the story:

In 2020, I started a journaling club with my friends. Basically each person posted a question in their journal. Then we passed them around and answered each other's questions. 

Susan posted this question in her journal and I felt like it was a good one to share.

Write a letter to anyone about anything…a grandchild, your husband, the person who cut you off in traffic, someone you don’t like…doesn’t matter.

She was a realtor in Louisville, KY. The year was 1978. We were trying to buy our first house—well, if you didn’t count the one we tried to buy in St. Louis that needed a new roof. We didn’t have any extra money and the seller wouldn’t pay for it. The deal fell through which turned out to be a blessing since we found out two days later that Butch had been promoted and we were moving to Charleston, WV. 

Okay, back to 1978. We found the perfect, beautiful house! We made the deal for $45,500. A few days later, the realtor called to say that the house only appraised for $42,500. She said that in this case the owner/buyer splits the difference. Once again, we had no more money and the seller wouldn’t budge. The deal fell through. I spent the day crying that we would never be able to afford a house. Later that evening, the realtor dropped by. She said that she was going to loan us the $1500. She said that we couldn’t put anything in writing because she could get in trouble. Her commission was only going to be $750. I immediately started crying and said, “Why would you do this? You don’t even know us!” To which she replied, “You don’t know this, but I sell nothing but higher-priced homes. The day you called, I just happened to answer the phone. I had forgotten how hard it is for young couples to buy a house. I do know that once you have your first, you will always have a home!”

God bless you Mary Martin, for having compassion for a young family who waited and struggled for 7 years to be able to afford a house. I know you are living in God’s mansion!!

PS When I told my mom this story, she said, “Barbara, don’t sign anything—I’m coming down there!” And that’s what she did. She did not trust dear Mary and loaned us the money instead. 

PSS I can’t wait to meet Mary again and to thank her and share our journey of beautiful homes that she started!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Travel Tuesday

So last week, we took Jordan, Robbie, Morgan, Olly, Mitchell and Emily on our annual ski trip to Breckenridge, CO.

This was our first year in this house.
This is the back of the house with the hot tub. The house is 5 bedrooms and huge! I don't have a picture of the front. Anyway, I'm only mentioning it because it is so nice that this is where we're renting from now on!

This year, the "kids" cooked dinner every night. It was so nice for me to just sit back. Morgan and Olly made dinner the first night: homemade corn chowder with gourmet grilled cheese. I handled breakfasts: Day 1--eggs benedict with hashbrowns. Mitchell and Emily made roasted chicken, broccoli and potato casserole for dinner. Day 2--biscuits and gravy with sausage. Dinner was Robbie and Jordan--pasta with spinach, Italian sausage, cheese and marinara. Day 3--French toast and bacon. ALL the food was delicious. The only thing we had to get used to was eating around 8 p.m.! It was worth it for sure!!
Morgan, Butch and Olly.

The second day, it started to snow. We got about 10 inches overnight. They had a day of skiing in powder which was a first for the "kids!" 
From left: Olly, Morgan, Butch, Jordan, and Robbie.

From left: Morgan, Butch, Mitchell and Emily. This was Emily's first time with us and first time skiing. They all had a great time.

Best way to experience a sunrise!

So, considering I don't ski anymore, you might wonder what I do all day while the gang is on the slopes. Well, I never get bored and the time flies by. I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish while there. I didn't get everything finished, but I did complete the "Rock Your Scroll" photo course. I learned so much! I love learning new things. 

On Saturday, after skiing we packed up and headed back to Denver to stay. Otherwise, we have to get up at "o-dark thirty" to get to the airport on Sunday morning. We did it for the first time last year and decided it was the way to go--so much less stressful. Unfortunately this year, the 2 hour drive took us nearly 4--as the traffic was bumper-to-bumper! 

When we got to the airport, we had time to do our "pits & peaks!" Each person names their favorite thing and least favorite thing of the trip. It's a tradition in our family and a great way to end. It gives us a chance to be grateful for what we've experienced. 

Until next year...

Monday, February 24, 2025

Me on Monday

I finished this needlepoint last fall, but it wasn't until January that I picked it up.
This is the second time I've done this piece. It was just as much fun as the first time!
I love this mat with it.

I haven't stitched much at all. I really need to pull something out and get started again!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Scrapbook Saturday

So, the week before I went scrapbooking, I was doing my planning. While I scrapbook or do anything in my room, I put on podcasts or videos of classes that I've signed up for. 

This week, I decided to do episode #1 of Jamie Pate's "Loaded Envelopes" class. I signed up for it in December, but hadn't had the time to actually take it. I wasn't even finished with the first class when I got the idea to make valentines for my friends. Sooo, I fell down that rabbit hole! 

I spent the week making 5 of them--and when I say week, that really means a couple hours a day around my normal routine.
Here's the finished product--about 6-8" tall and 4/5" wide! Each one of these is very special since I used valentines from my childhood. I've made these so that they can be used as embellishments on a scrapbook page.
This one I made for Janet because...
...this one came from my brother. I thought she would get a kick out of it.

In the group shot above, the one on the lower left was for my friend, Nancy. I thought it was appropriate for her since she is a retired teacher!
I wonder why I didn't give it to my teacher--I'm wondering if I was sick that day or something because why else would I have leftover signed valentines? Anyway, when Nancy saw it, she commented on how neat my cursive was when I was little. This was probably 3rd or 4th grade. I laughed that Nancy noticed that--I didn't give it a thought! Once a teacher...

The one I made for Jeanne--top row, far right--included a valentine from her friend, Loretta. Considering she's 5 years younger than me, I have no idea why her friend would have given me a valentine. Her older sister was my best friend, so maybe Loretta had extras.

Anyway, I was finished--or so I thought!
This was the mess I had! Notice all the envelopes I made--upper left? It took awhile to sort it all and put everything back where it belonged. I can't leave a mess..

While I was still in the mood and wanted to make sure that I had something from this class for myself...
...I made this one that can go on a spring page. It contains a vintage tobacco card that I found at a flea market in Scotland. I was happy to use it. It's tucked behind the flower. Plus, these loaded envelopes are just pretty.

So, then I was down to the wire for my scrapbook planning and it was Saturday morning. I was finally getting some pages put together and then I got a phone call from Susan. She was going to be able to join us on the retreat after all! Of course, I was thrilled. Then it dawned on me that I needed another valentine. So, I pulled everything out and made another. 

That left me with just Sunday to get some layouts together. Immediately after Mass, I went up to my room. I started pulling pictures and papers out. Then it hit me. I've made all these cute valentines for my friends, but not one for Butch! We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day and haven't for years. Still, I made one for him since I was going to be gone on the actual day and thought it would be nice.  
This is the only one that I put a picture on. I wished I'd thought of that sooner. That would have made them even more special. They were very fun to make. I left it for Butch and told him not to open it until the 14th! When he did, he texted me and then said he felt bad that he didn't get me anything! I told him not to worry that I would explain later. And I did just that. I 'fessed up that he was actually an afterthought. 

So, there you have it---what I spent a whole week on. Next Saturday I'll share some of the layouts I made, 

Oh and as far as my planning went, this was the least planned I was for any retreat in the past 20 years! I literally just threw a bunch of stuff together with no plan or forethought. With the help of the tools we share and what everyone brings, I managed to get 13 layouts completed. Not bad since I'm also the tech person for the gang. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

What I Buy Wednesday

A few years ago, when we were in England, I discovered the BEST tea I've ever had. As you know, I have been a tea snob for a very long time. 

This one was a game changer for me. I've always liked black tea--specifically Earl Grey. When I experienced this one in a restaurant, I kept the little tag and looked it up. I was hoping to find it in England. Even though that's where it's manufactured, I couldn't find it. 

When I got home, I found it on Amazon. It's not cheap--$34.00 for 50 tea "temples." You can get 100 Lipton teabags for $5.79. I travel with "bags" and now it's only Teapigs.
And of course, I had to have the loose tea variety. 8 oz. is $31.00. 
65 bucks for tea sounds like a lot. I guess I'll just call it my guilty pleasure!

Anyway, I figured it was the "strong" part that I liked so much. I think it has extra bergamot. That lead me to want to find out exactly what bergamot is. So, I looked that up too.

Bergamot is a bitter, inedible citrus fruit that's often called a bergamot orange. The fragrant oil from the rind is added to black tea to create Earl Grey tea. 

Teapigs has only been around since 2006. They wanted to refine tea by using only big leaf tea. They say, "you can't fit big loose leaf tea into a paper teabag. That's why our teas come in tea "temples"--a roomy, mesh bag that gives the leaves the freedom to move about and releasse their big bold flavor. Our tea temples are made from plant starch and the label on the end of the string is simple old-fashioned paper. Even the ink on the label is vegetable-based. Everything is sealed with heat, so no glue! Used temples can go straight in the compost bin!"

I know this is probably more than you ever cared to know about Earl Grey tea, but there's nothing I love better than learning new things. Well except for sharing them!!

You're welcome!

PS I do not understand the name or the dog on the packaging--but I don't care enough to look that up. 

Come on over and we'll have a "chinwag" over a "cuppa" and I'll introduce you to Earl Grey Strong!! 

Travel Tuesday

We had a great time on our scrapbook retreat. We really missed Nancy. She ended up getting the flu and was very sick for over a week. Looks like she's on the mend now.

We had a toast during our AYM meeting.
Jeanne, near left was in charge of the tv. We watched several shows and movies. It was a rainy weekend and perfect for scrapbooking. We stayed in from Wednesday when we arrived until Sunday morning. We had the news on, but the weathermen never mentioned this!

We woke up to snow! And, it was freezing cold. Loading up all of our stuff--and there is a lot of stuff--as any scrapbooker knows--anyway, loading up in the snow was not fun. Unfortunately for me, my shoes were slippery in the snow/ice covered drive. I stood on the porch and handed things over the rail. At least Pam didn't have to keep going up and down the steps. Susan brushed the snow off of all of the cars. With 6 people working, it didn't take that long.

Once we were all loaded, Janet wanted to get a picture at the bottom of the hill in front of the house. Jeanne didn't want to do that. I agreed with Janet, but Jeanne got her way and we took the picture at the top of the drive. Then Janet still wanted a picture in front of the house which meant we had to slip and slide halfway down the drive. Okay, maybe I was the only one slipping and sliding, but I am very careful with myself. So, I complained. Janet got ugly with me. So there we were bickering for the whole world to see! No one can drive you crazier than sisters!!

I guess 4 days together is too much!!

Just keeping it real folks!

Next up--we leave tomorrow for Breckenridge, Colorado--taking our grands skiing. Butch still skis, but not, me. Like I said, I am very careful with myself! 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Me on Monday

Well, I'm starting to worry about myself. Here's the story:

On Friday a week ago, I was having lunch with my high school friend, Cathy. We were talking about upcoming travel. I mentioned that Butch and I were taking the girls to New York in April. She asked me what shows we were going to see. I told her that we were seeing "The Great Gatsby" and then---since we're going to Paris in June, I had picked "Moulin Rouge." She asked me why I would pick that since we just saw it last year. I told her that I must have been out-of-town because I didn't see it. She said, "Yes you did! Don't you remember that we discussed it since they had updated the music?"

Yep, I did remember that and realized that indeed I had seen it. Later, when I got home, I emailed Stephanie and Mindy to say that we'd really messed up--since if I saw it, so did they. They have season tickets too. 

Mindy responded first:
"Hahaha I knew we had already seen it. I just assumed maybe you missed that one when it was here for some reason. I didn’t protest because it was really, really good."

And then Stephanie:
"It was this season, Mom! Less than 6 months ago - how did you not remember? LOL! I was surprised you picked it, but I liked it enough so it’ll be fine."

Luckily, Butch and Sandy haven't seen it. It really is good--now that I remember it!!! 

On another note, a few weeks ago, we were supposed to go to see "Peter Pan." For one reason (weather) and another (we're old), we decided NOT to go. I offered our tickets to my friend, Cathy. She goes on the same night that we do, but has seats way in the back. Ours are primo!! I offered our seats to her and she took me up on it. 

Nancy and Connie, listen up. You won't believe what we missed! Cathy told me that she was sitting next to some guy that looked familiar. She asked him if they'd ever met. He told her that he was an actor. 

OMGosh! It was Johnny Galecki star of the "Big Bang Theory!!!" We loved that show. Cathy said she had never seen it!!! I think he might have been surprised that she didn't really know who he was? That's probably rare for him. 
Stars can move freely in Nashville because we do not have paparazzi! Still, I'll bet he was disappointed that Cathy had no idea who he was!!

Darn it! I can't believe we missed him!!! I've loved him since he was on Roseanne!! 

That's what we get for not going!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Scrapbook Saturday

Before I get to scrapbooking, I have to give a "shout out" to my bestie! Today is her birthday. I'm not going to say which one, but's it's a big number!!

Here are some pics of us through the years:
This is around 1989 or 1990 when we camped out for New Kids on the Block tickets. Channel 2 News came to interview us--actually, they were interviewing her. She was flustered, pointed to me and told them that I was NKOTB's biggest fan and watched them every day! What?? Where did that come from? The reporter turned to me and I made a fool of myself! As soon as the cameras were off, Connie turned to me and said, "Barb, I am so sorry!" Thanks Connie!
I don't have any idea when this was. Sometime in the 1990's when Christmas sweaters weren't ugly!!

This one was in the mid-90's. We were going somewhere for a girl's weekend. That's when I found out that Connie doesn't like feet. Or, rather, other people's feet. If you sleep with her, you have to wear socks. I never have--slept with her, although I do sometimes wear socks!

Connie and I have been friends for nearly 40 years now. We've had some great and unusual adventures together in all that time. We've been through it all. But, I'm telling you one thing you need to know about her: If she suggests hiring a "hit man" for any reason whatsoever--don't take her up on it!! She'll rat you out as soon as she's on the stand!! Happy birthday my friend!! I'm looking forward to many more adventures with you!

Okay, back to Scrapbook Saturday. Since I am still on my winter scrapbook retreat at Kentucky Lake, I'm devoting this post to Morgan and ALL the scrapbooking she's done lately.

I love that she's taken an interest in preserving her memories. She's done a great job. It's just too bad that she doesn't live closer so we could do it together--and even go on retreats together. Maybe someday...

One thing is for sure, I can keep her in supplies!